Then how do you explain the horror movies?
Checkmate atheists
· 6 years ago
I'm definitely using 'caucacity' from now on
· 6 years ago
Strange. Till now I thought that I was brown. Today is the day my true self is revealed.
The government is behind this whole scheme. They don't want you to know the truth!
Did you ever get a flash light for a Christmas/birthday present? If so you are probably redneck and got it from your uncle that isn't married or has kids lmao
I actually find stuff like this fascinating. What do some people buy more than others that you wouldn't expect? I'm brown. Don't have a flashlight. My phone has a light that so I have no need for it. Nor do I have candles. If the power goes out, so do I.
What are you?
But both of my parents have flashlight
So I guess I'm a white goddess
Checkmate atheists
The government is behind this whole scheme. They don't want you to know the truth!
They looked at buying trends and it showed that white people had more flashlights among other things