Lmao yes there is a story damn you guys know me to well lmao
Ok so I was 8 yrs old and it was summer. Me and my grandma who lived with us only went to stay with my Aunt Sharron and cousin. I went because my cousin and me were always like twins separated at birth.
Well one night my Aunt Sharron makes Tuna fish sandwiches I HATE Tunafish. See it was the heavy mayo in it made me sick everytime I ate it. So I say this that I don't like it and can I please have something else which at home my parents did for me.
My Aunt Sharron takes it as an insult and says NO YOU WILL EAT IT. My grandma says no here I will make her some Mac n cheese. So my Aunt Sharron storms to me with a table spoon full of Tunafish and grabs my fa e and shoves it in my mouth routes the spoon and slaps her hand over my mouth and tells me to swallow it.
I can't and end up choking and gagging and than threw it all up plus more all over the floor.
My Aunt Sharron yells at me and forces me to clean it up than told me to go straight to bed and I wasn't allowed a bath or to even wash myself. So I had to lay in bed covered in that Tunafish vomit till everyone was asleep and my grandma came in the middle of the night and gave me a bath.
After that I just didn't want the stuff near me. But as the years went by my fear grew.
Now if I get touched by it I will run to the nearest sick and scrub my skin till I bleed and I will let the sink get scalding hot because I am so scared I can not even feel it. I cry uncontrollably and almost hyperventilate.
If I think I got touched I will scratch the spot till I bleed.
The worse day I ever had was one day my daughter who at the time was maybe 10 months old went into the fridge got into my husband's mayo and coated her self with it.
Luckily my husband was home. I went to find her cause she wandered off and I see her and say hay baby girl and she turns and is head to toe. So I scream and run.
She crys because I screamed I cry because she is crying and I can't touch her.
My husband grabbed her and bath her and tried to make her smell good and not like mayo. I tried so hard but the whole day I had the hardest time trying to hold her.
Lmao I know hear of an inanimate object is silly. Trust I know how it looks lol. But I am just to far gone lmao
· 6 years ago
Thats not silly.
Thats a result of psychological scarring at a young age.
Damn that's tough. Sorry to be 'that' comment, but have you tried seeking help for that? It seems like a phobia to me and those are actually pretty easy to treat
Well I would look for help but we are so poor going to McDonald's can break the bank lol but all our bills are paid. As for now I just try my hardest to stay clear of the stuff. My husband even checks my food at fast food places for me. I even tell subway that I am highly allergic to it so they get a new clean knife to cut my sandwich.
Mc Donalds is shit at getting the orders right. I once bought a bunch of burgers that amounted to about 14 euros. When I looked inside the bag there were three cheeseburgers inside...
Ok so I was 8 yrs old and it was summer. Me and my grandma who lived with us only went to stay with my Aunt Sharron and cousin. I went because my cousin and me were always like twins separated at birth.
Well one night my Aunt Sharron makes Tuna fish sandwiches I HATE Tunafish. See it was the heavy mayo in it made me sick everytime I ate it. So I say this that I don't like it and can I please have something else which at home my parents did for me.
My Aunt Sharron takes it as an insult and says NO YOU WILL EAT IT. My grandma says no here I will make her some Mac n cheese. So my Aunt Sharron storms to me with a table spoon full of Tunafish and grabs my fa e and shoves it in my mouth routes the spoon and slaps her hand over my mouth and tells me to swallow it.
I can't and end up choking and gagging and than threw it all up plus more all over the floor.
After that I just didn't want the stuff near me. But as the years went by my fear grew.
Now if I get touched by it I will run to the nearest sick and scrub my skin till I bleed and I will let the sink get scalding hot because I am so scared I can not even feel it. I cry uncontrollably and almost hyperventilate.
If I think I got touched I will scratch the spot till I bleed.
The worse day I ever had was one day my daughter who at the time was maybe 10 months old went into the fridge got into my husband's mayo and coated her self with it.
Luckily my husband was home. I went to find her cause she wandered off and I see her and say hay baby girl and she turns and is head to toe. So I scream and run.
My husband grabbed her and bath her and tried to make her smell good and not like mayo. I tried so hard but the whole day I had the hardest time trying to hold her.
Lmao I know hear of an inanimate object is silly. Trust I know how it looks lol. But I am just to far gone lmao
Thats a result of psychological scarring at a young age.