But sometimes they're just damn lazy :D
Like 'plane'. It's called Flugzeug in german, which literally translates to 'flight stuff'.
· 6 years ago
I think you spelled art wrong Miss.
· 6 years ago
@spookykink57 yup. basicly "Taschenlampe", "Tasche" = pocket , "lampe" = light.. so basicly pocket-light. We don't rly think about that name & it's meaning..^^
Pocket Lamp makes more sense if I'm honest but it's still a Torch to me
· 6 years ago
For me too. We follow British English here, but over the years we have come up with a weird version of English which is a mix of Indian local languages, American English and British English. It's... It's... Something weird.
Like, some people would say apartment and tap in the same sentence with a bunch of local words thrown around. And yes, the accent. We also have the accent.
Don't know why I typed this out. Lmao. XD!
@mialinay it's too "money stock market" and "money bag" and i bet there are too a few other words for it. We germans are weird.. We have like a ton of words for the same thing :s
Hab vergessen wo du herkommst :D
Bei mir sagt das nur meine Oma
· 6 years ago
Naja, oft sagen das halt ältere leute.. Habe aber auch schon Geschäftsleute oder sogar jugendliche es sagen gehört ^^ denke es kommt auf den freundeskreis an ob mans oft hört oder nicht :) vllt sogar auf die Region in der man lebt etc. - wo kommst du den her? Ich baden Württenberg :)
Like 'plane'. It's called Flugzeug in german, which literally translates to 'flight stuff'.
@cycy if you want to add anything, go ahead :D
Like, some people would say apartment and tap in the same sentence with a bunch of local words thrown around. And yes, the accent. We also have the accent.
Don't know why I typed this out. Lmao. XD!
Das sagt aber auch keiner mehr
Bei mir sagt das nur meine Oma
Bei Heidelberg