Ok, but to Shelby... how long does she think $80k should take to pay back? If you pay $1k a month, that’s 8.2 years at 5% interest. $1k a month is an amount of money that wouldn’t be easy for most people to pay off, especially if they wanted to have a new car ($300-700 a month with insurance not counting maintenance and wear), and or also a home. So if you graduate at 25 and intend to have a home, child, car, and pay off your loans before your 35, you’re asking for a lot after taking an $80k debt. Since the average student debt is actually $25k at 7% with a 10 year plan, you’re looking at $280 a month in loan payments- that is less than a cheap new or used car financing, and about $9 a day, 1 hour of work at minimum wage. So while Oparah may not be right entirely, the counter argument is also not really valid.
On top of that, the $80K in debt was undertaken by choice, having other options out there and you still choose the $80K in the hole? I don't feel sorry for you, at all.
If you want a job, then get skills that people need, forget the idea that you must work in your passion, get a hobby if you have a passion, work where you can do the work and are pretty good at it, you don't have to love it.
Get a roommate, get 2 if you need to, learn that you don't actually get to have your own space until you can afford it.
Don't worry about insurance, your job should take care of that as long as you're not a "freelance" whatever. If it doesn't, then look into programs by doctor's offices that allow you to pay lower rates and skip it. It's a risk mitigation, but you can decide the level of risk you're willing to carry.
Sorry to say- when you pay for a degree you have not bought a brighter future. You bought an education. That piece of paper can open doors but is ultimately as worthless as toilet paper. The skills and knowledge to enable you to succeed are what you paid for. Job satisfaction, work life balance, pay, perks, benefits, location, corporate ethics, prestige... it’s seldom in life we can have everything. Usually only the best or most competitive few can have it all. The fact that your “dream job” doesn’t pay what you like, or the job that pays what you want isn’t a “dream...” it’s up to an individual to decide what and if to compromise, but you can’t blame the world because you are holding out for a “better deal,” and if you want to change the world to your vision, that usually involves struggle.
The first and third thing she mentioned is a huge issue for me, but at least my dad runs the nearest insurance company, so he's able to help me out with some of it at least
What she did with her life was amazing. Kudos to her. But today she's an out of touch billionaire who grew up in a completely different time and she doesn't get it.
She's black straight Ellen.
If you want a job, then get skills that people need, forget the idea that you must work in your passion, get a hobby if you have a passion, work where you can do the work and are pretty good at it, you don't have to love it.
Get a roommate, get 2 if you need to, learn that you don't actually get to have your own space until you can afford it.
Don't worry about insurance, your job should take care of that as long as you're not a "freelance" whatever. If it doesn't, then look into programs by doctor's offices that allow you to pay lower rates and skip it. It's a risk mitigation, but you can decide the level of risk you're willing to carry.