I mean, a lot of guys are attracted to large deposits of fat gathered in very specific regions on the body, some of which don't exactly serve a practical purpose either. -shrug- humans like what they like. Not to mention the ability to put on a performance is something valued by lots of females across a wide variety of species' on the planet. Birds in particular come to mind. It all serves it's purpose in some way or another.
I don't personally care if a guy can dance. If he can *sing,* now that's another story
Science major here. Dancing is actually a sexual signal from males in many different species, particularly birds, indicating reproductive fitness. It indicates to a potential mate that he is strong and sturdy enough to provide nutrients for himself regardless of his genetic load, which suggests that his genes are stronger than another male, because he can afford to waste precious metabolic resources on an activity like dancing which has no direct positive outcome on the individual. :)
Dancing ain't so bad. Why do girls crush on guys just because they have a dog? Like you can be a really shitty person and still have a dog. You can have an IQ of 80 and still have a dog. Doesn't make sense to me.
· 6 years ago
I’m not 100% sure about this one, but I have a theory. I think women are attracted to men with dogs because it shows that they are capable of caring for a dependent creature, and so would be capable of caring for a child.
I mean, that’s not it for me, dogs are just cute AF
I don't personally care if a guy can dance. If he can *sing,* now that's another story
I mean, that’s not it for me, dogs are just cute AF
I want to learn, but I don't want to take lessons alone. :(
Maybe someday. Fancy a visit to the liberal ivory tower of The West?