"Believe it or not I'm walking on air! I never thought I could feel so free-e-e! Flying away on a wing and a prayer, who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me."
· 6 years ago
I think this is in Salt Lake City, UT. Can anyone confirm?
Only lead I could find is a reddit comment suggesting it's in Indianapolis, Indiana. A Google street view search seems to confirm it. There's a fenced-off parking lot instead of that white building, but the buildings behind the white one are the same, the street has the same contours even down to that section of missing grass, and the chapel matches (although that's a common LDS chapel design). The intersection is W Market St and N White River Pkwy W Dr.
· 6 years ago
If I'd seen this a week ago I would've gotten a picture there.
I'm quite dumbfounded you didn't have a picture of it yet. You almost always have a picture
· 6 years ago
The warehouse looked familiar, like a part of Salt Lake I've been to. I got my hopes up
· 6 years ago
As a resident of Indiana I can say that cops hear can definitely do this sense they do it for the Indy 500 parade and as a Mormon I can agree that the chapel is a common LDS chapel design.
I don't find this that terribly surprising tbh.