this is one of the things that pisses me off so freaking much. the public only see muslims as being bad people because they don't hear about all the good things muslims have done and stand for...
It does more than piss me off, it's literally dangerous. Making Preacher Cleutus from Rural Missouri think we are at war with an entire freaking religion is NOT good for anyone.
2015... and it’s an annual religious mourning march. Not newsworthy. But hey, let’s all get our collective panties in a wad over something three years old by reading a post that provides no insight or context.
tbh i agree that you cant blame a group of people for the actions of a few. I also think though there are some serious issues with a religion that leads in terrorism by a large margin. I think there is something wrong up in their belief that causes this extreme ideology
Well I am just saying that dont you think there is something wrong in the teachings when they seem to be the main source of terrorist activity. Im just saying you dont see Christians or jews do it at the same rate as them. They are just over representing by a huge margin and I think there is something wrong with that.
who's the terrorist depends on which side you are on. You don't think the 100,000+ people we killed and their relatives in Iraq and Afghanistan don't see the US as the terrorists? That's all I'm saying.
I mean the us is a government of all races and religions. The problem with muslim terroism is its all motivated by the same religion. I mean people of all religions can be terroist but terroism is wayy more common in the islamic faith than with any other religious group.
What happened in iraq and afghanistan is explicitly not terrorism because it wasn't done purely to cause fear. Look up what terrorism actually means before you call military conflict terrorism.
it was suppression of a terrorist cell. Civilians were killed if they acted in conflict with the forces, not to scare other civilians. You could argue it was to gain access to oil but that still doesn't make it terrorism.
So that means literally every war or military conflict in history, or really any violent conflict ever can count as terrorism. Sounds like a bad definition.
excuse me unlawful violence is the actual definition and yeah wars tend to have plenty of terrorism. Especially today. Also not my definition so you can diss it all you want.
A good Muslim is good despite their religion, Islam as a political ideology is about as successful as communism. The highest ranked Muslim majority country in the world is Turkey, at 62nd and they jail political dissendent and have public executions. Do yourselves a favour and don’t invite this idea into your neighbourhood.
Well said, but also, NO religion works as a political ideology.
· 6 years ago
Problem is, as far as I know the only remaining theocracies are islamic (correct me if I’m wrong). Theocracies and human rights and democracy don’t tend to get along very well. Since most if not all theocracies are islamic, islam is associated with lacking human rights and democracy more than other religions, when islam has a hell of a lot in common with christianity, or at least the holy books are quite similar, christianity has been modernised.
I haven't checked up on Burma since 2013, but Buddhism basically was in Burma. Vatican City is CLEARLY a Theocracy.. Hell it's the glaring example when you think about it. That's the point, Islam is what comes to mind, but WHY is that? Most of Islam, worldwide, isn't like a bunch of extremists living in caves in a desert and hasn't been for the vast majority of the past thousand years. Not even close.
· 6 years ago
Didn’t think of Burma, you’re right. Vatican City is a theocracy, but they’re located in a continent where secularism and democracy are the norm, so they’re kept in check if you will (it’s also extremely small). While most muslims aren’r extremists in caves, their countries are theocracies with real power and a huge lack of freedoms
Except that Islam actually DOES teach terrorism and death to all infidels and DOESN'T teach peace and human rights and whatever other lies these defenders come up with. Go ahead and downvote the hell out of me but if any if you actually have any balls I DARE YOU to read the Quran and see for yourself. None of you will read my comments this far but I'll say it anyway: Sure most Muslims are not terrorists. Sure those that are are outlying extremists. But just because some interpret the Quran differently than others does not change the fact that the oppression of women and the spread of Islam by any and all means ARE THE BASIC TENETS UPON WHICH THIS "RELIGION" IS FOUNDED.
The Bible is just as violent and teaches the exact same backward shit, as does the Torah. Perhaps you need to re-read parts one and two before spouting off that part three is any different.
· 6 years ago
You’re both correct, the books of Abrahamic religions in general are pretty shit. Thing is, the West (where christianity is more dominant) has modernised and secularised, while the Middle East hasn’t (or at least not to the same extent)
I'd argue that the west is not as secular as you might think it is, though it's mostly on America's end, where Christianity ends up influencing politics in ways that it really shouldn't.
· 6 years ago
Yeah, the US is way too religious when it comes to politics, I was referring more to (Western) Europe
And keep in mind, you don't have to be a minority against a majority to be a terrorist, terror is terror.
Daily Mail: