They follow you because you are their livelihood. It's like complaining to your boss that you cut their income by 90%, never giving them clients, paying them for only a few jobs a month, and then saying "Yet you still work here". I assure you that if you keep it up then you'll be saying "But you don't even work here"
That isn't an exaggeration. YouTube is basically collapsing due to how horribly it's been treating the people that's made it great. It's like someone cutting off their own legs and expecting to still be standing.
· 6 years ago
At first, I thought it was people who are on the Right, but now even people who arent even political are getting demonetized.
Why does YouTube do this over and over?
It's kinda everywhere. If you're on the right, demonitized. On the left? Demonitized. Center? Not kid friendly.
Support gay rights? Our advertisers won't like that. Against? They won't like that either. If your title even mentions gay, lesbian, trans, LGBT, or a while host of other words then you're automatically demonitized.
You said a bad word? You're entire channel is blacklisted to people who don't sign in (Most people who watch YouTube don't actually have accounts, so their entire channel is invisible.) This is so extreme that YouTubers are being forced to only do games like Uno or Scribblio simply because they are the few games that have even a chance of making them enough money to buy some food.
But it gets worse. They force YouTubers to work so hard for so little. If you don't upload at least two to three times a week, then your channel gets "buried" which essentially means none of your fans will be notified of your videos nor will you be recommended as often.
Who cares,
I watch a lot of YouTube but I find youtubers so annoying, nobody is forcing you to be a YouTuber if you don’t like the pay get a different. A zookeeper doesn’t whine all day because of their salary all day at work neither should you.
If a zoo keeper had worked at the same zoo for the many years slowly making a reputation for theirselves, getting known and well liked and suddenly got their pay cut by 70-100% because the management suddenly went fucking insane I'm pretty sure they would be complaining their ass off.
Spoken like a person with absolutely no understanding of the topic they're speaking about. At least bethorien manages to make your analogy actually APPLICABLE to the situation at hand, whereas in your version it reads like:
"The tigers are all being hunted to extinction and their entire habitats are being destroyed."
"So?? House cats fall off of furniture in their own homes all the time and they're dealing with it just fine!"
Ok maybe it’s a bad example but still YouTube’s complain so much someyoutubers will post 10 videos in a row talking about demonitization there was a point when I was like oh that sucks but now it’s just annoying take h3h3 for example he probably makes thousands of his podcasts but complains about YouTube demonetizing in every single episode. I guess it’s annoying to me because they all quit school/their jobs to become youtubers a job they knew would be unstable and when it did collapse they complain to their viewers. It like if target cut their employees checks and benefits and then the employees walked around the store complaining to the customers. If they want things to change then they can, get a day job, get sponsors, start a patreon for all I can just stop complaining and do something the whining about demonetization has started to turn me away from YouTube because I’m tired of hearing about it
· 6 years ago
I've always sort of wondered just how stable YouTube can be for people long term.
Sure maybe people like PewDiePie can stay relevant long enough to save up some cash, but what about smaller channels that still make a decent living but have less than a million subs? What do you do when you're too old to work? Just how long can YouTube revenue realistically hold you out for? What happens when you're no longer relevant and YouTube just isn't viable for you anymore? Even that last part could apply to the likes of PewDiePie.
I dunno, maybe they have that shit all figured out. I just think it's scary how some YouTubers really come off as if they don't have a backup plan when their monetization gets taken away or reduced.
Tbh, complaining is what pretty much every employee (who didn't quit) would do when their pay gets cut to that degree. They're not going on strikes and trying to terrorize people crossing picketlines because they want to encourage people to have a good shopping experience, after all.
I don't watch a lot of youtubers, and tbh if they started complaining constantly I wouldn't watch them at all, or I'd skip the videos where they complained (<- this is actually largely why I stopped watching pewdiepie a few years ago).
That being said, youtubers constantly complaining in every single video does not invalidate the complaints overall-- it just makes them annoying to listen to.
Why does YouTube do this over and over?
Support gay rights? Our advertisers won't like that. Against? They won't like that either. If your title even mentions gay, lesbian, trans, LGBT, or a while host of other words then you're automatically demonitized.
You said a bad word? You're entire channel is blacklisted to people who don't sign in (Most people who watch YouTube don't actually have accounts, so their entire channel is invisible.) This is so extreme that YouTubers are being forced to only do games like Uno or Scribblio simply because they are the few games that have even a chance of making them enough money to buy some food.
But it gets worse. They force YouTubers to work so hard for so little. If you don't upload at least two to three times a week, then your channel gets "buried" which essentially means none of your fans will be notified of your videos nor will you be recommended as often.
I watch a lot of YouTube but I find youtubers so annoying, nobody is forcing you to be a YouTuber if you don’t like the pay get a different. A zookeeper doesn’t whine all day because of their salary all day at work neither should you.
"The tigers are all being hunted to extinction and their entire habitats are being destroyed."
"So?? House cats fall off of furniture in their own homes all the time and they're dealing with it just fine!"
Sure maybe people like PewDiePie can stay relevant long enough to save up some cash, but what about smaller channels that still make a decent living but have less than a million subs? What do you do when you're too old to work? Just how long can YouTube revenue realistically hold you out for? What happens when you're no longer relevant and YouTube just isn't viable for you anymore? Even that last part could apply to the likes of PewDiePie.
I dunno, maybe they have that shit all figured out. I just think it's scary how some YouTubers really come off as if they don't have a backup plan when their monetization gets taken away or reduced.
I don't watch a lot of youtubers, and tbh if they started complaining constantly I wouldn't watch them at all, or I'd skip the videos where they complained (<- this is actually largely why I stopped watching pewdiepie a few years ago).
That being said, youtubers constantly complaining in every single video does not invalidate the complaints overall-- it just makes them annoying to listen to.