Gen Z here. Modern Cartoon Network is full of cheap stuff designed for quick and easy grabs rather than thoughtful and quality shows. It's a mindless entertainment for kids younger than me, it's not like most of them know better. Fortnite is hella overrated and I personally dislike it but it's not terrible, it's free to play with millions of others, wouldn't you play that as a kid? We're not the best at all, classic games and shows built with passion are always better than cheap flicks, but we're not bottom of the barrel trash
Also gen Z here. Fuck off kat, today's cartoons are one of the best I've ever seen. Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman... Sure, some of these are more mature but the stuff for kids has ALWAYS been cheap entertainment. Cartoons used to be just advertisement to sell toys so I definitely wouldn't say old stuff is better than new. As for video games, sure trash like Fortnite exists but there's also a boom of indie games now that development tools are more accessible. And sure that resulted in a bunch of cheap asset flips but also in some great indie games. So yeah I disagree that "classic" stuff is better. Shows back then were in general as crappy as most shows now. But the crappy ones usually aren't remember which is why we often see old stuff as better, because we only see the "best of". But from what I remember, old Fox Kids cartoons, movies and games in the 90s/early 00s were just as hit or miss as today's are.
stuff for kids has NOT ALWAYS been cheap, I miss the Steven Spielberg' cartoons, stuff which one can rewatch years later and get whoa new joke/allusion, it was bombarded with it. Now, from years, (it started probably '00) we have oversimplified line (cheaper to draw), and as they didn't manage to give a f*ck about it, me neither. and seeing Adventure Time was like bad trip. Music is so varied when diggin' on youtube, it's flourishing, and literally evil ears&minds polluting crapsh*t/some oldies on the radios, and mainsite. Games analogically: indie flourish, mainstream mainly strips out money out of 10yo with parent's credit card/failing one who'll lose his money&job casino style.
Lets just agree the whole generation “my gen has better stuff than ur gen” is super stupid who cares what generation ur in or what u like shut up no one cares just watch what you want and don’t trash what other people like
Most of the complaints and derision are coming FROM the younger folks. I still don't know what a fortnite dance is, just that it is derided by some of the people in the generation that has others of the same age doing it.
This was made by a kid under the age of 13 if I had to take a guess
· 6 years ago
This meme has been legit for thousands of years. This being said, as an inbetween Baby Boomer / GenX, it must be said that Baby Boomers at least waited until they were well >40 before they started informing teenagers how and how much they sucked. Nowadays passing 20 seems to be the time to turn into an ocean of wisdom and a judge of fellow men. Just sayin and playing my role, as history needs me to do.
I agree though. People hating on trends are just as stupid as adults hating on them darn televisions or Nintendo XboxStations.
I think not.