It is extreme- and you shouldn’t have to change, but the ice cube didn’t have to change, it chose too. Imagine a serious relationship or marriage. Your partner is offered their dream job, but it’s far away and you’d have to move and don’t want to. They have to choose to take it or not, and if they take it you have to choose to move or not, and either way someone will be unhappy or put out. They could choose to move and you could choose to stay- and that’s the end. There’s always compromise but that’s just no one getting what they want somits till the same. One or both of you has to decide the relationship is worth more than what you want, and if it isn’t really then you’ll find out as you grow bitter and resentful. So you gotta know yourself. Relationships are change because people change as individuals over time, and how we change either brings us together or tears us apart. We make choices. We shouldn’t try to change to be who they want, but we should always try to change and grow.
No, it's partially physics and mostly a cartoon comic. I see no ones asking the importing questions. Why does a block of ice have a face and limbs? Where did the fish come from? Because if there used to be water in that depression and it went away, what's there to keep the water from the ice there? Also that block of ice is not enough to fill the up the pool. And exactly how hot is it there that the ice could melt fast enough that the fish doesn't die? And if it's that hot the water's going to evaporate fast and so the fish is still going to die.
And what is the salinity of the ice cube? Is the fish equipped with the anatomy to survive long in that water? Where did the original water go? The soil color implies it is loose and dry. Did the ground suck up the water? Did it evaporate? If so- as said- the water will leave and the fish will be back to square one. Unless it just preys on bountiful wandering ice cubes? Is this fish some sort of hydrovampire claimin soul after soul? Does it even NEED water to breath, or is this a sick game? OR... we know the ice cube was either there for awhile or the temp suddenly spiked because it wasn’t melting when it was walking in panel 1. Sp we know the fish can breath a long time without water. Long enough for the old water to be completely gone before he cube came, and for the cube to melt. So maybe the “fish” is an amphibian or something, and it lures ice people to help it, and then it’s cube person trafficking buddies siphon the cube people into tanks and sell them onto the back market.
It's ok to change for people you love.
In relationship, we compromise to make things work
Changes aren't always bad