If you could prove that you truly time traveled, then you are still younger than them because age is counted by the time you've been alive. So, if you are 631138519 seconds old in 2018, then you'll only be 631138520 seconds in 2118 when you've time traveled into the future as you haven't actully lived longer (Assuming the travel time was one second) Just like Aang was only 12 years old after coming out the iceberg even though he's technically 112. Or like how Captain America isn't over fifty even though he was frozen for a while.
I would say no, you're not. Cause just because you've time traveled doesn't mean you've actually lived those years. It's like watching Episode 1 of a series, then skipping to Episode 10 and saying you've watched the entire thing. At least that's how I see it.
Edit: Whoops I posted my comment without reading @spiderwoman's, I agree with her lol
Edit: Whoops I posted my comment without reading @spiderwoman's, I agree with her lol