You can feel like anything you want. But we aren’t just talking about a feeling. It’s many feelings. It’s the feeling of knowing that something is not right and maybe not knowing what that is until the day you realize that you’ve been living a life that wasn’t yours. Then it’s about the feelings of coming to terms with being something else, and the emotions that come along with wondering how that is going to effect your life and the people in it. Then there is the emotion of facing that head on and finally being who you KNOW you are and have likely always been. And sometimes there is the feeling of some daft twat making stupid jokes and undermining everything you’ve went through. Being Saiyan is an ethnicity, not an orientation FYI. It’s a culture and a heritage, and appreciating Saiyan culture and claiming it as your own are not the same thing- but I’m not Saiyan so I can’t say- from what I know of Saiyans though they would be offended I imagine.
2. that's not how this works. That's not how any of this works