If you have the muscle memory in place, you'll be surprised what you can do once you combine the two; being mindless with your body and directional with your mind. I used to feel the same when shooting 3's to the point where I could shoot off-balance blindfolded so long as I saw where the rim was before and I wasn't spun (had to track my own foot movements and do the dirk fade). I also enjoyed shooting 3's while staring people directly in the eye as they stood under the basket, something about launching a 3 and basically Hawkeye'ing it so it drops directly on their head as they stared at me was.... empowering.
Find with your tedious tasks what I found with my 3 :).
Yeah, and I usually either wind up scheming or fantasizing about fucking something.... I get upset when the "*snap* back to reality" hits... usually. Sometimes reality is better.
Find with your tedious tasks what I found with my 3 :).