I can see that she still loves me, and I try my best to support her... But the pressure
6 years ago by guest · 384 Likes · 7 comments · Trending
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· 6 years ago
improve upon yourself! even if shit goes bad, you'll still have the satisfcation of : trying to fix things and b) being a better version of yourself.
· 6 years ago
I agree, better yourself. In the mean time you could joke about it and tell her it's because you're an evil Wizard who's stolen her heart and she's doomed to love you forever.
· 6 years ago
Gotta be a reason she wanted to be with you in the first place
· 6 years ago
Peoples opinions of others shouldn’t be- but they often are influenced by others. If those closest to her continually disparage you- it COULD strain or even break your relationship. BUT- all is not lost. As others have said- she saw something on you if she agreed to date you. If she kept dating you it probably wasn’t a fluke. Be that guy. Be the best you that you can be. Treat their daughter/friend/etc. right and do as well as you can in life. Either she stays with you because SHE sees value in you, or she leaves you. If she leaves, it may not seem it but in the long run she did you a favor in my book. At least where I’m concerned, a partner should value you and want to be with you for you, not for others opinions. If she can’t put her foot down to the people who are questioning her and make her own choices then she’s a ticking time bomb that someday will break your heart. Now is better than later.
· 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
· 6 years ago