Well that's irritating, I don't like that association that models are dumb or pretty people in general are stupid. Your face doesn't effect your brain's intellect.
I know female doctorates in neuro science and physics (male dominated fields of science) and they are very often overlooked or even reduced for no other reason than being female.
One such scientist who has an MD doctorates as well as working on her Ph.D in Neuroscience now, was told by her boss that she dresses very nicely and would look good in a receptionist role.
Another Neuroscientist told me about a networking event where she and her second author (someone who contributed to a study she did) were approached by someone high up the food chain, and instead of asking her about her work, he asked her assistant... He fully assumed that the male was the driving force behind the study.
This is common, it happens everyday and all over the world.
That receptionist comment made my blood boil but I know stuff like that happens cause I've seen it happen. One of my closest friends is one of the best students in her current degree in aerospace engineering, she constantly tells me it's difficult for her to even be heard as every other student is a male. She holds her ground but has to work hard just for her advice and opinions to be heard by her fellow classmates.
Anyone who shuts a door on someone before they have an opportunity to get to know their abilities deserves the loss. Shame on them, but they got their
The trick, if you were the rejected one, is to not dwell on it. Smile the smile-of-the-wise knowing what they just passed on. Don't become bitter. Instead, use it as motivation to do what you want to do. Then be proud of what you accomplish because you deserve it!
But leave the bitter and anger at that closed door. That crap won't help you at all.
I was working in a physics lab where it was about 20:1 men to women. I was the only woman in my department and if I wasn't angry, I wouldn't have made it at all. I needed the anger to keep fighting for my ideas and motivate myself. It was an incredibly shitty environment and being bitter and angry was the only justified response. Just brushing it off and keeping my head down wouldn't have gotten me anywhere and would've made me feel like crap every day when I got home.
· 6 years ago
I wonder if Princess only likes to tell women who express their notion of being mistreated and discriminated to just shut up and suck it or else blame them for taking a "victimhood stance" or if that's her advice for men, too. Like when some of them are whining how they are today's real victims.
Reminds me of the classic conservative argument "women earning less is because of their choices but boys having worse results in school is because the environment isn't accommodating enough"
@halfdeadhammerhead Just going by princess' comment history, I feel like she doesn't understand that women can be vocal about certain systemic issues lingering in society AND accomplish things.
If I were a cynic, I might be convinced that she's thinly veiling an attempt to silence women in an effort to slow progress...
Oh! I have to say this as I have just learned about it in my social psy class:
They did a study where the let people ( both men and women) read a scenario of a manager solving a problem with an employee. The story was always the same, the only thing that differed was the picture of the manager they showed along with the story.
In one condition it was an average man, in another an attractive one. I yet another condition it was an average female, in another an attractive one.
The men always scored higher, with the attractive male scoring the highest, and of the females the most attractive one scored the worst. Both men and women expressed that this manager might have gotten to her position for no other reason than that she was attractive and certainly not because she was skilled.
This would mean that both men AND women have a hard time accepting attractive women as anything more than eye-candy.
Also, way to go Victoria's secret model I don't know the name of!!!!
I LOVE that you're breaking stereotypes and living your life exactly the way you want to!!!
She's a stud! And she should absolutely be a role model for girls everywhere.
· 6 years ago
Look I'm not trying to take anything away from her and I have no reason to doubt she's very intelligent and a talented programmer, but working for the 841st fastest growing company doesn't sound like much.
Like, if there are 1,000,000+ companies in the US then yeah that's pretty good. Good on ya.
She didn't? She said the comments were hostile and no wonder a lot of women drop out of these fields when they get backlash like this. She never said the commenters were males or that males are the exclusively hostile group
Am I being downvoted for talking about the title, which says "men", and is someone else being upvoted for falsely correcting me? You people have a weird sense of righteousness.
The title says SOME MEN. Some. Some meaning an unspecified selection of the following category. Some Meaning not all. Men.
You're turning a specification about a minority that does exist into a generalization about an entire sex, becoming guilty of the very crime you're accusing the poster of, and becoming outraged in the process. Speaking of weird senses of self righteousness..
I can't say for sure, but if you wanted a reason for being downvoted, I imagine this would be it.
The title says SOME MEN, yes. It should have been SOME PEOPLE. So I'm flipping the coin, saying women are just as shallow, and confirming men are indeed pigs, but the post from lindsey360 was in fact not at all about that, which you in turn confirmed. So we agree. This post from lindsey360 is not about men being pigs, while the title is. Are we clear?
Based on the profile pictures I'd hazard that literally every comment in the post was made by a male. None shown seem to have been made by a female. So I'm guessing that's where the title came from. In this particular example it appears it is some men attacking and harassing a woman who has been successful. So I don't personally see how the title is so unforgivable inaccurate to you.
Nevertheless, Men aren't pigs, women aren't shallow. Some are and some aren't. On this at least we can agree
One such scientist who has an MD doctorates as well as working on her Ph.D in Neuroscience now, was told by her boss that she dresses very nicely and would look good in a receptionist role.
Another Neuroscientist told me about a networking event where she and her second author (someone who contributed to a study she did) were approached by someone high up the food chain, and instead of asking her about her work, he asked her assistant... He fully assumed that the male was the driving force behind the study.
This is common, it happens everyday and all over the world.
The trick, if you were the rejected one, is to not dwell on it. Smile the smile-of-the-wise knowing what they just passed on. Don't become bitter. Instead, use it as motivation to do what you want to do. Then be proud of what you accomplish because you deserve it!
But leave the bitter and anger at that closed door. That crap won't help you at all.
If I were a cynic, I might be convinced that she's thinly veiling an attempt to silence women in an effort to slow progress...
They did a study where the let people ( both men and women) read a scenario of a manager solving a problem with an employee. The story was always the same, the only thing that differed was the picture of the manager they showed along with the story.
In one condition it was an average man, in another an attractive one. I yet another condition it was an average female, in another an attractive one.
The men always scored higher, with the attractive male scoring the highest, and of the females the most attractive one scored the worst. Both men and women expressed that this manager might have gotten to her position for no other reason than that she was attractive and certainly not because she was skilled.
This would mean that both men AND women have a hard time accepting attractive women as anything more than eye-candy.
I LOVE that you're breaking stereotypes and living your life exactly the way you want to!!!
Like, if there are 1,000,000+ companies in the US then yeah that's pretty good. Good on ya.
You're turning a specification about a minority that does exist into a generalization about an entire sex, becoming guilty of the very crime you're accusing the poster of, and becoming outraged in the process. Speaking of weird senses of self righteousness..
I can't say for sure, but if you wanted a reason for being downvoted, I imagine this would be it.
Nevertheless, Men aren't pigs, women aren't shallow. Some are and some aren't. On this at least we can agree