Absolute true fact in the USA. And the majority of shelters for abused spouses won't even take men. And in the whole continental US there is only ONE shelter for men. One.
Hmm, I had heard of domestic violence going both ways but I didn't realize it was so prevalent. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men experience severe violence from their partner at some point: https://ncadv.org/statistics
Tbh I think violence against men is a lot more prevalent than most people realize, though the men USUALLY don't end up carrying as severe of damage (broken bones, black eyes, strangulation, etc etc etc). But I know even on here there's at least one user on here who was severely mentally and physically abused by a woman
^ to clarify, THIS in no way is me EXCUSING what happens to men. If you're putting your hands on anybody with any kind of regularity and beyond something playful (i say this because I've seen plenty of people do things like lightly slap each other upside the head and such, which I don't fully count as abusive when it's not occurring with regularity) you're crossing the line. This, along with men being perceived as being physically stronger and therefore capable of fighting a woman off, and the fact that it does happen to women more, is what likely leads to their situations not getting as much attention as they deserve
^ to clarify, THIS in no way is me EXCUSING what happens to men. If you're putting your hands on anybody with any kind of regularity and beyond something playful (i say this because I've seen plenty of people do things like lightly slap each other upside the head and such, which I don't fully count as abusive when it's not occurring with regularity) you're crossing the line. This, along with men being perceived as being physically stronger and therefore capable of fighting a woman off, and the fact that it does happen to women more, is what likely leads to their situations not getting as much attention as they deserve
Now it's a matter of finding time to catch up!