It's true, it's Curiosity though, just had a smol glitch like a week or two ago and turned off.
It's not Opportunity who turned off because of a sandstorm
· 6 years ago
Is there any possible way for it to reactivate or is it dead dead?
Opportunity isn't coming back. Since it's batteries didn't hold a charge through the storm, that means the on board heaters cut out. There are sensitive components that will have died in a Marian winter without the heaters.
It's true that opportunity won't be coming back but the reasons are still unknown and can't be properly philosophised, seeing as they couldn't download any information as it's processors had shut down. Until someone goes to Mars and saves opportunity it's lost to us
· 6 years ago
This would be an excellent experiment for SpaceX to test their rockets. If a they're able to power up and restart Oppy, they'd win some popularity points.
It's not Opportunity who turned off because of a sandstorm