I feel it's important that you all know there is a very vast world out there revolving around some brand of crow milk facials, but, more importantly, something called "fight like a crow" that apparently has something to do with milk, complete with mascot
Well if you wander around dropping food behind you long enough in places they can see there's always a chance you may befriend some. Of course, there's a chance you may tick off your neighbours as well
I think that would end rather poorly for your cats I'm afraid. Crows tend to travel in groups and they are not particularly intimidated by cats (at least in my experience). They used to swarm the trees above my male cat and caw and caw at him, and he'd barely be able to move because taking his eyes off them would make him vulnerable. I'd have to go and rescue him
And my cat just goes for anything so she wouldn't get the warning signals either [which leans it would definitely end badly for her lol]
I mean she goes after freaking hadedas
(Black Butler anime reference^^)
My cat would probably try and go for them
I mean she goes after freaking hadedas
But its cool. We look after her and make sure she doesn't do dumb shit