This can lead to a very dangerous place
I'm not anti-vax - I believe I've had all the standard recommended vaccines in the UK as a baby
But when a government takes away someone's choice that can be a very slippery slope
· 5 years ago
That is a choice people shouldn't be able to make.
Mate, educate people on how vaccines work, carry out studies into their effectiveness, encourage debate on the issue and whatnot. This is all good
But the gubment making something mandatory for every child can be the thin end of the wedge
You can't encourage and educate because these people are willingly ignorant. It's not that they don't understand, it's that they won't understand. There are hundreds of ways for people to get the information, and most of these parents are well off enough to know where to look for it.
There are people that choose to be a dumb fuck, tbh they shouldn't even breed but they do!
So it's become other's responsibility to make sure their children won't end up being like them.
But no ironic, those kids may not even man it to teenage years bc human fuck like rabbits but not all of them are capable of easing offspring properly.
It is a public health issue and critical to vaccinate. However- there’s a good point that it’s a slippery slope. We have to be careful about setting precedents in which the government is allowed to force people to make changes by putting things in their body for “the greater good.” It also sets up an unquestioned power, which is the cornerstone of abuse of power. The problem with saying people or a person is too dumb etc. to make their own decisions is that is also a dangerous precedent. Think about this: wether by raw mental horsepower or by matter of difference of opinion we are all dumb to someone. Most parents can certainly relate to this.
Jr. wants to get a tattoo- go out with this kid who is obviously statistically likely to be a problem, spend their money on objectively stupid shit, etc. most artists and musicians made “dumb” choices at the time to pursue their art- odds were complexity against them and for every world renowned band that can say “see! I told you it was smart not to be an accountant” there are countless more people who threw their lives away. Can we say “this person isn’t smart enough to eat right, to not waste time on games and diversions and instead constantly study and better themselves...” that this person is “too dumb to drive..” when most of us really are?
I mean- we all tend to like to THINK we are smart. Sure- we speed or text, or whatever. But we are smart about it while others do it dangerously right? When we drive too fast we have a good reason and are in control. When someone else does it they are a maniac. Should we stop people from buying big SUV’s because those people almost never understand the physics and vehicle dynamics nor pursue any training to handle a vehicle like that? We have to be careful where we draw the line- and ultimately who is considered worthy or not is decided by someone else and those who decide have all the power.
Look- if I was responsible for handing out drivers licenses or the rights to operate vehicles or the rights to own guns there would be 0% gun crime and fatal accidents would drop to near nothing- because there’d be like 6 people on earth I’d trust with it and all of them would be people I know. But that isn’t a realistic system. If you give the wrong person that kind of power you end up with a world where only people like them have rights or where everyone is forced to be like them. We will all tend to see “our way” as the best way wether it can be demonstrated so or not.
So: TL:DR- it’s good to have requirements for vaccination. Most people should be vaccinated with very rare and professionally made exceptions. But I get real nervous at the thought of mandates made for the public good- and we shouldn’t approach any we decide to pass with celebration but with trepidation. We should treat them like we would chemotherapy- a last and bad resort to an even worse problem with no better solution- not something we jump to as a first choice and not something we celebrate but something we tolerate as the means to an ends. Something that we regulate and scrutinize and try to improve and implement in the least horrible way possible to make sure we don’t have to use it unless necessary.
You want people to speak out for your rights? You need to speak out for theirs, whether you like them or not.
Or else there will be nobody left to speak for you, or you will only have the most drastic measures left.
Agreed. 100%. This is civics 101. Giving up a right or taking it from someone else simply because you do not value it is not how democratic society should work. Plenty of people do not want kids and do not like kids. So should we ever allow a law that you can’t have kids? Dogs? Etc? The pariahs and “lowest” of society are who society must protect most of all because popular opinion will not protect them, mob mentality would hang them, but once all those pariahs are gone or it suits whoever is in power- tomorrow you could find yourself in a group labeled as such. You don’t have to cherish a right or even like it to support it. If we do not support all rights vigilantly then there truly are no rights.
Kindergardens and daycare facilities in Germany already have the choice to deny admission to children who aren't vaccinated - is that a thing in other countries, too?
I'm not anti-vax - I believe I've had all the standard recommended vaccines in the UK as a baby
But when a government takes away someone's choice that can be a very slippery slope
But the gubment making something mandatory for every child can be the thin end of the wedge
So it's become other's responsibility to make sure their children won't end up being like them.
But no ironic, those kids may not even man it to teenage years bc human fuck like rabbits but not all of them are capable of easing offspring properly.
Or else there will be nobody left to speak for you, or you will only have the most drastic measures left.