Families can often behave this way and I’m not excusing it- but for our parts as individuals we can’t make changes for them- we can only change ourselves. A certain degree of “good natured” ribbing is normal with humans, but when it crosses our personal lines we have to show others how we want to be treated. Part of adolescence is transitioning from a child to an adult. Our partners will always to some degree see as as their “kids,” but we must use this time to establish our autonomy with them. Taking on responsibilities, acting more mature and self reliant as well as showing an understanding of responsibility/reward, choice/consequence can help....
... we have to establish a fundamental respect. We can’t demand to be treated as equals on adult footing as that must be earned in time through actions. But one can, while demonstrating an adult attitude and skill set, show they are capable of a key adult skill which is discussion. Sarcasm is a sign of intelligence but is also often a sign of immaturity as it is rarely constructive and serves only the ego of the bearer. This meme, phrased differently is a valid discussion point with parents or authority figures. Self awareness is a key to demonstrate. To acknowledge you still need your parents and aren’t quite an adult or as capable and experienced but are growing and aren’t a child either. That you understand your behavior may sometimes he influenced by hormonal changes and may cause “moods” but that you are dealing with a lot of change and new pressure, and appreciate the patience and understanding....
... but with all that said, that some of your behavior is not intrinsic to you but is caused by an aversion to the way you feel you’re being treated. That you are sensitive to such things. The alternative is to develop thicker skin and learn to hold your own. That’s another form of respect. People tend to pick on people they see as... for lack of a better word.. “bitches.” It’s an intangible thing. There are many of “little bitch” behaviors and I’m not advocating suddenly acting thug hard And flexing on your family like prison rules. However-
...part of the mechanism behind social teasing of loved ones is a desire to “test” them. A sort of way to tell if they are capable of holding their own in a world that isn’t always nice through gentle taunting in a “safe” place where the consequences learning and failing to defend oneself in a social sense or of having a disproportionate response which in the real world might “write a check their ass can’t cash.” So many times the solution is to examine behaviors which may make is seem like a “punching bag.” The way we carry ourselves and communicate with people can sometimes lead them to think they can take advantage of us in certain ways. The key to not developing or to breaking such a pattern is to show that we are not as defenseless as we may seem.
I just don't like them except for one aunt, one uncle, my dad, and two cousins. I don't know my nephews, but they look like pains in the ass and I don't think I'd like them either.
My entire family when I was a teen and had a lot of pimples: "Ewww gross do you not wash your face?! It's easy to get rid of pimples if you just wash your face!"
My entire family now that I know it's because my hormones are unbalanced, which could've been helped but they decided not to (my gynecologist said I should take birth control to steady the hormones but my parents were afraid it'd turn me into a slut or something): *awkward silence*
That’s terrible and I’m sorry you had to go through that- especially for such a ridiculous reason to disapprove treatment. People who have never had serious acne often have trouble understanding that even if you wash your face 10 or more yikes a day it’s not going to get rid of or stop it, and that will severely dry out the skin, which along with many topical acne medicines which themselves dry out the skin, can leave a person with still pretty severe acne, and dry itchy skin that’s flaking. True acne is not by default a sign of uncleanliness, and hormones or many internal illnesses can cause acne as well.
My entire family now that I know it's because my hormones are unbalanced, which could've been helped but they decided not to (my gynecologist said I should take birth control to steady the hormones but my parents were afraid it'd turn me into a slut or something): *awkward silence*