Devil's itch. I didn't know what it was until it got ahold of me. I have a high tolerance for pain. When this "itch" happened, I literally took a steak knife and started cutting the flesh off my back and that felt like the most amazing, tender relief compared to the debilitating, mind-shattering pain that was ripping full-lunged screams out of me. I didn't even knowing I was screaming at the time. That was years ago, and I still always carry peppermint oil with me because that's almost the only thing that helped me (cortisone cream was the other.)
· 5 years ago
I had flatfoot correctional surgery done a few years back. I'd gotten out of the hospital and had gotten back home when I needed help getting into bed but everyone was busy or outside so I said fuck it and tried climbing into bed myself. I didn't lock the wheels on my wheelchair and ended up slamming both of my feet into the floor right on where the stitches were. I had the longest stifled scream I've ever had, biting down on my lower lip so hard it bled. I then proceeded to climb back into my chair, locking the wheels this time, and clambered into my bed. I was too stubborn to yell out for help or take any painkillers so I just laid there until the pain faded away.
Toss up, between having a cyst removed from the middle of my back right between my shoulders as a kid (without pain killers due to an allergy) getting clocked in the face by a lawnmower blade that fell off a shelf and my typical migraine. I consider myself as having a fairly high tolerance, since I've sliced off parts of my fingers and broke one pretty severely only to laugh about it.
So a couple years ago my lower back was misaligned like idk how it happened and i couldn't stand up straight or move really. Then i ended up on the floor and i couldn't even get up and i have a super high pain tolerance. Like i broke my foot walked a mile to get home and then got yelled at for asking for a ride. But yeah i ended up kinda setting it back it back and inwas a okay
Having a blood clot in my lung. The pain was like being stabbed, every so often someone would twist the knife. Morphine had no effect, and it hurt to breathe- when I wasn’t coughing up blood. The clot cut off the oxygen to part of my lung, leaving me with permanent scar tissue (pulmonary infarction) and reducing my lung capacity. My heart rate still skyrockets during exercise - it hit 212 the other day - and if I take a deep breath, I can’t inflate fully on one side. It’s like the bottom part of my lung is in a vice. I wouldn’t want to repeat that!
Careful guest. I know your lung capacity is diminished but your max heart rate is 220 minus your age. You don't want to have a heart attack, so if you're over 8 years old you should be extra careful with your heart trying to 212. You probably know this, but I'm just saying it again for you.
Back pain from lifting 10.000kg/day by hand. It was probably a ruptured disc but no doctor thought of it since I was just 24. Screaming pain 24/7 on and off for three years, I was unable to move for weeks at a time, when it let up a bit I went shopping to have food for the next session.
The first time they made me get out of bed after a full hysterectomy. I've had an emergency cesarean which wasn't fun afterwards but it was nothing compared to that