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· 5 years ago
I agree. Our future relies on nuclear power.
· 5 years ago
Extremely accurate, but anytime you mention nuclear power people immediately go to Chernobyl or all kinds of terrible things when it's usually the exact opposite.
· 5 years ago
Nuclear power isn’t a toy. Almost every accident or near accident involving nuclear energy can be traced to people trying to be cheap, cut corners, or being just plain careless. Nuclear power can be safe, it’s real I keep, and while currently no single source of energy can or should be our sole source- just like good if we have a good mix of various types of power production as they fit the application and needs, we could cut emissions down drastically. Nuclear power isn’t a boogie man or a savior, but it’s an intelligent choice to supplement other types of power.
· 5 years ago
@guest_ well said
· 5 years ago
Well said indeed. Many of our problems are caused simply by greed or laziness.
· 5 years ago
A thorium salt reactor cannot melt down, and in the foreseeable (10,000 years) future there is no way to run out of fuel. It's a nuclear reactor, but not the same way a uranium or plutonium reactor is, where it needs constant water cooling (which also drives the steam that creates the electricity) and if it doesn't, will melt-down and contaminate the water. In case of a "melt down" the thorium is in a bath of heated salt, which prevents any radiation contamination. It doesn't even contaminate the salt, you can just turn the thing back on once the water pipelines are corrected they'll produce steam again. It also uses 99% of the thorium, instead of uranium reactors, which use MUCH less (part of the reason the waste is highly radioactive.