A rat ran towards me.
There was a rat, my parents and dog were chasing it down (to kill it). I was standing there watching as a little kid (I think I was 4, 5 something) and the thing freaking ran right to my feet!
It happened more than I can remember, small, scared animals always run to me out of fear and it's creepy!
I also got hit by a bike in the head a couple times and went to the hospitals but whatever.
My dad has a similar story. Apparently there was a whole family of rats in a box. His job was to open the box while his brothers whacked the rats.
He opened it and they all streamed out.... truly horrifying
Hit by a logging truck around 3 years old. Almost drown when I was 11 or so. I remember both of them like it was yesterday. I even remember what I was wearing.
Haha yeah
My biological father was a drug using, ultra-abusive POS, so my mom left him
Then it turned out that my stepdad was even worse
He beat me and my older brother whenever we did anything wrong and then left us on a hard step for hours and if we dared remind him that we were still there, we'd be sent back for even longer
He never did anything but ignore us the rest of the time. He'd be playing on his computer CONSTANTLY
Because of the things going on at home, I was constantly nervous, so I never had much luck making friends, but when I did, they either abandoned me without a second thought, or I wasn't allowed to see them anymore for whatever reason
I watched my cat die
I had to endure the stench of my stepdad, because he would never wash, for 6+ months at a time (when we finally got away, there were maggots IN HIS BED)
(I'm a germaphobe)
He'd have random outbursts of violence for no reason, and took them out on me and my older brother
He'd gaslight all of us
He was an absolutely incompetent man, let alone, father
I remember the one time, he was annoyed that the bathroom light was left on, so he tied it up. The only way to get it was to jump, but he would leave his razors on the mirror next to it. That ended badly. I bled a lot (I still have the scar)
It basically continued like that for years, plus my time in school got worse. I was relentlessly bullied, but when other tried to be kind to me, I pushed them away, as I had no clue how to respond to them
It all ended when I accidentally knocked over an empty cup (It didn't break, it didn't fall off the side, it didn't do anything but stop being vertical)
I "apologised the wrong way" - by just saying "sorry"
He had a knife in his hand bc he was preparing food for himself
He lunged at me and stabbed it inches from my hand
My mom gathered us all up quickly and we got in the car, and he chased us, swearing about how this was all MY fault
Oh yeah, he also pretended to be crippled, and when others were around, he was the nicest person they'd ever met, and he couldn't possibly be abusive because he "wasn't able to walk far"
It was all bullshit.
Nowadays, I still have flashbacks and nightmares about it, alongside a reduced amount of trust or empathy for everyone, i'm paranoid that everyone I know could turn on me at any moment and everyone's personality is a facade.
My older brother also turned into a POS, he'd attack my younger brother and my mom, but he's lighter than me, so I was always the one who had to protect them. He'd always say that he was better off killing all of us, while we sleep, then cutting his own wrists.
Thankfully, he's moving out soon, and he's got meds to help with the Schizophrenia and a carer to help him do basic stuff
That's about everything I haven't blocked out, but I've been told there's stuff I have, like being stabbed in school
I have raised several step kids, and still am. I am getting a bit long in the tooth for it but I would like to beat your step dad with a baseball bat and put him in the hospital so he doesn't have to pretend to be crippled. Talk to a psychiatrist or therapist. Get it out to a professional so it doesn't take the rest of your life. I feel for you.
Father is a narcissistic, bipolar, racist, bigoted, idiot who parades around like he owns the world and we all live in it. We can’t go out to a restaurant without him wanting to talk to the manager or the owner. He nearly went to prison for stealing thousands of dollars from my brother’s child account (which he blames the brother and his ex for BTW), parades around, throws tantrums (literally will cry like a baby), and treats the family dog better than his wife and child. I had to grow up super quick to fill in the needs Of my mother. I’m going to talk about my mother briefly but just remember, I love her with all my heart. She is a perfectionist and was a tiger mom while I was in school (which I’m fine with), and I basically became more of a husband to her than the actually fucker she married. What’s worse is that she doesn’t say anything about his behavior when it happens and doesn’t expect apologies because of his mental illness (that’s not a good thing). So yeah, a childhood full.
This is on top of being bullied relentlessly from first grade to the point where I had to leave and find another school because the bullying made me suicidal by 14. The teachers didn’t give a shit, the counselors refused to do there job and help me because it was almost an entire school a worth of people. What made it all worse was when I was beginning to find out I was homosexual. It all got progressively worse. After being: assaulted 2 times, 10 years of bullying and abuse falling on a deaf ear and wanting to off myself enough; my parents finally took me out of that school. All of this in one childhood. I began to think my entire life’s purpose was to be the victim of abuse and to be everyone else’s scapegoat and luckily after that things got better and fast and I’m currently in the best mental health state I’ve ever been in. I just turned 19 today as of posting and I have a couple words to say.
Don’t let anyone make you feel like shit, EVER. Anyone, and I mean anyone
Happy Birthday ! Wtf is wrong with these assholes, my dad was pretty heavy handed when it came to discipline , but absolute respect for my mom. Mom did most of the disciplining , dad usually handled it with threats. I had a crazy, but good childhood. My dad was an Airborne Ranger in Korea, I know some of the shit he did was from bad expiriences there. I never understood some of things he said or did until, I got out of the service myself. This world can be a terribly bad place, but there's also so much wonder and beauty too. I hope that both of you find happiness .
Crazy uncle tried to perform surgery on me at 7 years old. Suicide attempt at 8 (two months after the uncle incident) had another Uncle (whom I really liked) drop dead in front of me when I was ten. My childhood sucked.
True the first uncle was a piece of human garbage, good riddance to him. The second one wasn't at fault for having a catastrophic heart attack or whatever happened, can't really remember just remember him face planting, groaning and then gone.
About two years ago when talking about embarrassing first kisses, I spontaneously recalled my preschool teacher kissing me on the mouth when I was about four. I was skeptical (I know people sometimes misremember and it seemed surreal) so I looked her up and she's in jail for pedophilia. Multiple counts.
I grew up poor and never really fit in with kids at school. I usually only had one or two outfits and no one explained that I should wash or get hair cuts, so I was definitely an outcast. I didn't understand why at the time, lol. I don't really consider it traumatic because I was just a kid who didn't know better.
I have two younger sisters (4 and 7 years old at the time) and I realized that I could do odd jobs for people, like weeding or mowing lawns or washing cars, to make money. Then I could ride my bike to the store and get food to feed all of us. I mainly just remember us being hungry all the time. But things got better when I could work; I was 9. Today, it cracks me up to think about third-grade-me out hustling after school.
Now I own businesses and work a ton and have a closet full of nice clothes and don't need to be hungry! Yay, me! :D
Good turn around. I grew up poor but happy. There wer a few times in the 70&80s that suck pretty bad. The last recession wasn't as bad as the few before it. I rember having bean or pea soup a lot. When I went in the service my pay for housing got screwed up and I had to use a credit card for food and stuff. Ramen noodles are tasty only when it's a choice lol. I lived off base so I would have to pay (very reasonable prices) to eat on base. I am glad you got good things going for you.
This isnt exactly childhood trauma since it happened in high school, but it's definitely the most impactful trauma I can remember:
Around new years, grade 12 (so 2016-2017) my friends and I decided to hang out at my friends house and have a small party. This friend had this dog who was raised to be a guard dog, so he was particularly unfriendly to everyone except for said friend who he grew up with.
So we were all hanging out, the time was around 11:50 or whatever, and this dog was generally being a good boy, one of my other friends (who I will refer to as "dude") was getting along with him, everything was good. And then out of nowhere, this dog just wanders up to dude, sniffs his hand for one second, and CRUNCHES down on it. Why did he bite him? No one knows! The closest reason we could make is that when he went to sniff his hand he got shocked due to static electricity and retaliated blindly, but that could potentially be a stretch.
Now dudes hand is all bloody due to this dog bite (I cant remember what breed it was, but it was big nonetheless), and when he tried to go to the bathroom to wash it off, he passed out due to the stress (asthma), and hit his head on the way down. My friends had to call an ambulance for him, exactly when the clock hit 12am.
Long story short, I'm now permanently afraid of dogs bc of that stupid mutt she owned, even if I know the dog is a good boy and means me no harm, I just cant trust them anymore. So whatever your name was you dumb monster, fuck you and I'll see you in hell
There was a rat, my parents and dog were chasing it down (to kill it). I was standing there watching as a little kid (I think I was 4, 5 something) and the thing freaking ran right to my feet!
It happened more than I can remember, small, scared animals always run to me out of fear and it's creepy!
I also got hit by a bike in the head a couple times and went to the hospitals but whatever.
He opened it and they all streamed out.... truly horrifying
My biological father was a drug using, ultra-abusive POS, so my mom left him
Then it turned out that my stepdad was even worse
He beat me and my older brother whenever we did anything wrong and then left us on a hard step for hours and if we dared remind him that we were still there, we'd be sent back for even longer
He never did anything but ignore us the rest of the time. He'd be playing on his computer CONSTANTLY
Because of the things going on at home, I was constantly nervous, so I never had much luck making friends, but when I did, they either abandoned me without a second thought, or I wasn't allowed to see them anymore for whatever reason
I watched my cat die
I had to endure the stench of my stepdad, because he would never wash, for 6+ months at a time (when we finally got away, there were maggots IN HIS BED)
(I'm a germaphobe)
He'd have random outbursts of violence for no reason, and took them out on me and my older brother
He'd gaslight all of us
I remember the one time, he was annoyed that the bathroom light was left on, so he tied it up. The only way to get it was to jump, but he would leave his razors on the mirror next to it. That ended badly. I bled a lot (I still have the scar)
It basically continued like that for years, plus my time in school got worse. I was relentlessly bullied, but when other tried to be kind to me, I pushed them away, as I had no clue how to respond to them
It all ended when I accidentally knocked over an empty cup (It didn't break, it didn't fall off the side, it didn't do anything but stop being vertical)
I "apologised the wrong way" - by just saying "sorry"
He had a knife in his hand bc he was preparing food for himself
He lunged at me and stabbed it inches from my hand
My mom gathered us all up quickly and we got in the car, and he chased us, swearing about how this was all MY fault
It was all bullshit.
Nowadays, I still have flashbacks and nightmares about it, alongside a reduced amount of trust or empathy for everyone, i'm paranoid that everyone I know could turn on me at any moment and everyone's personality is a facade.
My older brother also turned into a POS, he'd attack my younger brother and my mom, but he's lighter than me, so I was always the one who had to protect them. He'd always say that he was better off killing all of us, while we sleep, then cutting his own wrists.
Thankfully, he's moving out soon, and he's got meds to help with the Schizophrenia and a carer to help him do basic stuff
That's about everything I haven't blocked out, but I've been told there's stuff I have, like being stabbed in school
I'm still messed up, but no-one else knows, because I keep it inside.
I mean, haha yeah, the usual stuff.
Don’t let anyone make you feel like shit, EVER. Anyone, and I mean anyone
Thanks for the advice, and happy birthday!
And I'm sorry.
I have two younger sisters (4 and 7 years old at the time) and I realized that I could do odd jobs for people, like weeding or mowing lawns or washing cars, to make money. Then I could ride my bike to the store and get food to feed all of us. I mainly just remember us being hungry all the time. But things got better when I could work; I was 9. Today, it cracks me up to think about third-grade-me out hustling after school.
Now I own businesses and work a ton and have a closet full of nice clothes and don't need to be hungry! Yay, me! :D
Around new years, grade 12 (so 2016-2017) my friends and I decided to hang out at my friends house and have a small party. This friend had this dog who was raised to be a guard dog, so he was particularly unfriendly to everyone except for said friend who he grew up with.
So we were all hanging out, the time was around 11:50 or whatever, and this dog was generally being a good boy, one of my other friends (who I will refer to as "dude") was getting along with him, everything was good. And then out of nowhere, this dog just wanders up to dude, sniffs his hand for one second, and CRUNCHES down on it. Why did he bite him? No one knows! The closest reason we could make is that when he went to sniff his hand he got shocked due to static electricity and retaliated blindly, but that could potentially be a stretch.
Long story short, I'm now permanently afraid of dogs bc of that stupid mutt she owned, even if I know the dog is a good boy and means me no harm, I just cant trust them anymore. So whatever your name was you dumb monster, fuck you and I'll see you in hell