It depends on what exactly the behavior is. If you've got something like epilepsy, then it's understandable if you accidentally hit someone if you're having a seizure. But I agree with the point it's trying to make. We all know at least one person who tries to use things like PTSD, BPD, Depression etc. as a reason to justify their behavior. Many times they may not even have it (not trying to disparage those that do), but claim they do so they get an excuse to attack anyone who tries to tell them to maybe be less of a cunt.
Epilepsy isn't a mental illness, and an uncontrolled movement during an uncontrolled situation can only be construed as an asshole move by an asshole. It's like getting shot and bleeding on someone, and then getting bitched at for ruining someone's clothes.
happy_frog nailed this one. But look- a person with a mental illness is likely going to present some challenges in any interpersonal dealings by virtue of the fact they are dealing with mental illness and bearing the symptoms and baggage thereof. Is mental illness a “free pass” in life? No. You can’t shit in my grandmas casket at her funeral and then say “be cool man. I have depression.” But part of the compassion of dealing with a person suffering something like depression is understanding that they may sometimes get frustrated or lash out at the people close to them- and the worse and more frequent they lash out- the less likely it is that many people are close to them.
You have your mental health too and you’ve gotta balance your support of a person who’s difficult to be there for against your ability to maintain your own health- but if it was easy to be there for people when they’re not mentally well I suspect far less people would be suffering alone or in silence. People with mental health issues don’t need to be told this as a blanket statement. This is something to be said between people who know each other well enough, and in the context where one knows the other is being a jerk and not just suffering- not something the world needs said to all.
· 5 years ago
Your mental issues are also not an excuse to avoid working on them.
My girlfriend has anxiety and consistently uses that as her excuse to have me set up all her appointments, make all her phone calls, even just to buy shit for her using her money.
Most of the time I dont mind, but I'm ultimately concerned about what she's gonna do when there's nobody to do stuff for her and I hate that she makes me feel like an asshole for encouraging her to work on herself.
Panic so bad she will get help forcibly? Phone calls are a very common panic trigger maybe look up tips on how to help you, help her or.... call and make an appointment for her to receive help leaving 2 options either she overcomes ad calls herself or shows up out of guilt or what ever brain inflicting the bad issues she has. sneaky but so is panic, depression, ect. It is very god at talking you out of things you area capable of doing.
My girlfriend has anxiety and consistently uses that as her excuse to have me set up all her appointments, make all her phone calls, even just to buy shit for her using her money.
Most of the time I dont mind, but I'm ultimately concerned about what she's gonna do when there's nobody to do stuff for her and I hate that she makes me feel like an asshole for encouraging her to work on herself.