Heeeeethhooooos...... heethoseeehhh.... heethooooseeeee..... hethosehhhh... >_> BUm-BaH-bAH-bum buh.... Dook dook dundun..... bumbawahhhh buhhhh... dahhh dudhuhduh....
This is something out of a Final Fantasy game.
Nono what you want to do is farm them where they are cheap and export them to where they are expensive
· 5 years ago
Nobody would buy them though. The Japanese pride themselves on high quality everything, so it's not just that the melons are expensive. The melons in Japan are miles ahead of any Western melon in terms of quality, taste, appearance, sugar content, etc. Hours of skilled labor go into each melon to ensure it is perfect.
@bethorien no no no NO! You don't "farm" them yourself... you "pay" people for that labor!
@unklethan If you don't think you can sell a pyramid watermelon in the US, you seriously need to re-adjust your entire view when it comes to capitalism.
This is something out of a Final Fantasy game.
@unklethan If you don't think you can sell a pyramid watermelon in the US, you seriously need to re-adjust your entire view when it comes to capitalism.