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· 5 years ago
People are judgemental and the sun is bright and the temperature is unpredicable and i can't express myself without being looked at like i'm an imbecile.
· 5 years ago
What’s odd is that as a kid, as an adult, you get so much crap for staying inside all day at home playing games, reading, watching tv, whatever. But.... you generally don’t get people asking how you can stay inside at work all day if you do retail or an office job. Where a common day might look like: drive (inside a car/bus/train sitting) to work, stay inside, get lunch. At the mall you may eat in the break room or go to the food court. At an office you might get delivery, packed lunch, or catering/cafeteria- then eat in the break room or at your desk. You get back “inside” car/etc. to go home. As for saying “well it’s more about being active...”
· 5 years ago
I call BS. An office worker may be sedentary all day, then take their car etc to an indoor gym and do their work out, maybe go “inside” to the store, go home, sleep, repeat. So I can’t really see so much that it is such a big deal a person would enjoy being inside “on their time” when it’s a known fact that the lengths of time the average office job requires a person to do things like sit or stare at a screen is harmful, the time spent standing on hard floors by many in retail and the repetitive motions of such jobs are harmful- but people don’t seem to care so much as to make mandatory periods for rest, limitations on repetitive motion or screen time etc.
· 5 years ago
What’s more- many retail jobs and some other jobs specify in the rules that while unpaid lunch is “your time,” paid breaks must be taken on premises. Likewise- paid lunches can be required to be on premises as well. So we have a system where most people in the most common forms of labor are essentially “chained to a work station” in practice of not by design, and those who just want to enjoy their time in their homes are scrutinized? Why do t we instead turn that scrutiny to the workplace?
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· 5 years ago
And another question would be- if so much of childhood is to prepare us for the realities of adult routine.... shouldn’t more parents try to get their kids to stay inside? I’m being quasi facetious there. My point is that kids and teens and introverts get all this attention to “health” “well being” etc. of being outside and active... but not only do most professional adults not follow that advice but would likely be fired for doing so because by law you’re only allocated 30 minutes tops of “outside time” every 8 hours.
· 5 years ago
It's the attire.
· 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
Also the weather is bad, my back hurts and I'm trying to save money.