I have a sort of opposite problem. When I do take time off, I’ll let everyone know and tell them to text or email questions or issues and I’ll reply as able, but they all make a big deal about not wanting to intrude on my time off. Then when I get back I’ll find (as with my most recent 5 work day trip) 350+ emails on matters needing my attention, and a host of things people did while I was away that they didn’t have the info on and did without asking and got wrong so I have to fix. I’d rather answer 20 or whatever quick texts at my convenience while on a trip (I can ignore them until I have down time,) than come back to a mess I have to clean up.
^ I second this :/ I'm working on a new project and running an established business, but they're physically located 6000km apart. I have fun on the project the fourth week of every month but I need to set up something to prevent exactly this from happening *every time* during that week. Other people's good intentions are killing me.
Lol. Hang in there. If I find a universal cure all, I’ll let you know. To date I’ve never managed to find how to get people who should ask to ask, but I’ve got some techniques to get people who shouldn’t to leave you alone.
This used to happen to my mom when we'd go on family vacation when I was a kid. It reversed right around I graduated HS, for quite a while there people wouldn't leave her alone on vacation, she would be on her phone 50x more than I was on mine lol. She's retiring soon though and has been passing off her larger responsibilities so she's replaced with someone who has at least some knowledge of what they are doing. Btw, landed in Jackson Hole, Wyoming today :) it's puurrrty. Hopefully Yellowstone tomorrow and the Grand Prismatic Spring and Old Faithful! :D
I'll at least get a few good ones up in a week or so. Apparently the aliens came through the tunnels and have left, taking all the elk with them. Spent half a day looking for an elk. Nothing. I did find a white-tailed deer though... and am gonna try bison for the first time tonight \>_>/ I dunno if I should go burger or steak yet.
Bison is good. The burger isn’t so different from beef. You lose a lot of the texture when you grind meat. If it’s practical I’d probably go with the steak. You can get bison burgers at a number of “upscale fast food places” but bison steak is harder to come by. The burger is the “safe” bet if you’re a particular eater since it won’t be THAT much different from a regular burger. But my vote is steak all things equal.
Bison steak, mid rare, with a big ol' pat of salty butter melting in to it. That's my favorite Wyoming treat when I'm out that way. Enjoy your vacation!
As to what we were mentioning earlier in the thread, @guest_, I have some ideas to get a balance. I'll get there eventually, haha. Good luck to you finding that balance as well.
Lol I'm going to have both on this trip, regardless. I'm going to go with the burger tonight though, as I'm just going to go with room-service. I'll get the steak from a local sit-down place.
Been off 2 days. Had several calls and texts. Logged in to send a quick email to find just over 120 emails. Got 3 days leave left to take before I go back to work. That delete button will be getting a workout on monday.
As to what we were mentioning earlier in the thread, @guest_, I have some ideas to get a balance. I'll get there eventually, haha. Good luck to you finding that balance as well.