Why cant people be euthanized like that?
Got in a car wreck and gonna be a vegetable your whole life? Euthanize
Realized you have stage 4 cancer and gonna die slow and horribly? Euthanize
Got 4 tests, 6 papers, and a project to do in 1 week? Euthanize
Yeah I’m wondering the same. Can’t he spend remaining days relaxing at the station with belly rubs and orange juice. Being put to death by a complete stranger seems a bit cruel to me
If the animal was very, very old (still alive from 9/11 so... old), going blind, deaf, losing sense of smell, arthritic... at a certain point there isnt much it a quality of life and the animal has earned an easy passage to the next life. I empathize with you and I get where you're coming from, but if the dog is in pain and cant really do anything a dog enjoys doing anymore there's a difference between keeping them around so you feel better versus them being around because their life is enjoyable.
Got in a car wreck and gonna be a vegetable your whole life? Euthanize
Realized you have stage 4 cancer and gonna die slow and horribly? Euthanize
Got 4 tests, 6 papers, and a project to do in 1 week? Euthanize