They are NOT TARGETED to kids
Because last time I fucking checked adults like icecream and doughnuts and cake and fruit punch and all the flavors they have.
Not like there is some kind of snack food adults are going o I liked it as a kid but I'm an adult now so no way I would eat that.
The closest that happens is as a kid I could eat a million of that but now if I even look at it my heart burn starts.
Garlic bread I miss you.
Everytime I see a lollipop in an office or something I have to remind myself it's not acceptable to take them, the candy is for the children, and until we find a way to do away with the children, let them have the candy.
Yeah. To me the argument seems somewhat weak. Like... they have a product they can make taste like whatever. It’s not only unimaginative to stick with “classic” cigarette taste- but like... “burning ass” and “burning peppermint ass” aren’t really flavors even cigarettes would choose first if they had an option. So like... what does an “adult” vape flavor look like? “Kale smoothie”? “Veal Scallopini”? They’re using the same strategy any other company that makes things people taste constantly would. Make it taste good, name or something catchier than “apple.”
Honestly this whole situation is a cover up by two entities. The FDA fucked up majorly and is trying to pass blame onto the vaping companies and big tobacco is funding politicians to kill vaping.
It should be noted that im not pro-vaping but i'm anti-bullshit and this whole situation reeks of it.
Because last time I fucking checked adults like icecream and doughnuts and cake and fruit punch and all the flavors they have.
Not like there is some kind of snack food adults are going o I liked it as a kid but I'm an adult now so no way I would eat that.
The closest that happens is as a kid I could eat a million of that but now if I even look at it my heart burn starts.
Garlic bread I miss you.
It should be noted that im not pro-vaping but i'm anti-bullshit and this whole situation reeks of it.