After that I got the other job as well
5 years ago by guest · 1045 Likes · 11 comments · Popular
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· 5 years ago
Sorry, no excuses not to leave a note. It takes about 2min, and they were already late anyways
· 5 years ago
Totally agree. I have been the victim of hit and run several times and the dishonesty blows my mind. Ok, this person wasn't intending to be dishonest, but thoughtlessness is not an excuse.
· 5 years ago
His car was right next to the car he hit...What part of that suggests dishonesty and that he ran?
· 5 years ago
I didn't suggest he ran, but he was thoughtless not leaving a note. If, for example, the other person first returned to his car when it was dark (or he himself was in a hurry), the damage might not have been discovered until he had left the area. Then he would be stuck with the repair bill himself and no way of having the other person. This is why you leave a note, it's your responsibility as the perpetrator!
· 5 years ago
He might not have ran but he still should’ve left the note. At least an apology or an explanation takes like 3 mins. He’s just lucky it turned out that way.
· 5 years ago
Many years ago in college, a poor broke student. Couldn’t even afford car insurance but still needed to drive. One day, in a thick fog, had to back up after going into the pedestrian crossing at a stop. Hit an Acura. Got out. Scared- that’s big trouble. No really visible damage- but that can still be hundreds or thousands of dollars if the guy wants to go to the body shop and get it checked out. Guy in Acura looks at kid... looks at beat up peeling paint car... says forget it about. Part ways, got off without consequences.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
Maybe 8 years later... have the same car. Insurance now, job now. Put a lot of time and money into that car- about $20k or so in parts and paint and labor done self totaling probably much more than that. It’s pretty nice now and very fast. Cruising along not too far from the local college. Traffic suddenly stops. Look in rear view. Car load of kids- maybe 18,19? Can tell they aren’t going to make it. Boom. They tried to stop but still hit the car. See them in review. Look panicked- especially the driver. It’s an Acura... the same kind from all those years ago except instead of nice and new- this one is old. Spray paint paint job peeling off. Shrug. Girlfriend in the car. Ask if she’s ok. She is. Start driving. Kids pull up alongside. Roll down windows. Give them choice. Stop if they want up ahead- or keep driving. They look confused. After a block they leave.
· 5 years ago
Girlfriend is upset. “You put so much time and money into this and you don’t even care they hit you?” It’s a sturdy car. Light tap. Cheap and easy to fix for someone with no how and tools. No real damage. Explain this. Explain my gut told me those kids didn’t likely have insurance. Been there. Explain incident with the other Acura. Paying it forward. Finally in a position to forgive someone and not hurt myself. Hope someday they remember and let some goody kid with bad luck slide instead of messing up thief life. By this time no insurance is an almost $2000 ticket with a misdemeanor charge to boot. Car gets impounded too. $200 a day+. Judging by the car- kid would have lost it and likely with all the penalties not been able to afford a new one. Hope it’s a learning experience. Easy fix $0 and 2 hours in damage to our car. Girlfriend is still mad.
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· 5 years ago
Break up eventually because of little incompatibilities like this and other stuff. Not as concerned with money as with trying to be moral. She is more concerned with things and money than morals. That’s ok. Just different. The car is still with family on condition can buy it back if they ever sell. Miss the car, don’t miss the girlfriend. Still visit the car some times.
· 5 years ago
Car definitely sounds worth it more than the girl lol. Dope story... although now I just gotta shout out... "THIEF LIFE!" lol
· 5 years ago