People in the UK being quizzed on price of healthcare in the US
5 years ago by kitx · 1019 Likes · 12 comments · Popular
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· 5 years ago
If you want to see the reactions for yourself: youtube . com/watch?v=Kll-yYQwmuM
· 5 years ago
My inhalers are £16.25
· 5 years ago
Mine are $18
· 5 years ago
Mine are free with healthcare but without it it would be around 20ish?
· 5 years ago
Get Medical in California it is free. I forget what it is called in other states. You just have to be poor enough, have a kid or one on the way, and have a place of residence.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
In my state I make too much to qualify for any help, despite being a single dad, and getting no help at all via child support (she doesn't pay at all) yet I see people all the time that don't work at all that get handed 1000's of dollars a month in help while I struggle to support my kid and my elderly father.
· 5 years ago
Sadly it's true you either to poor to live so they give you money or you make to much and you get nothing. And by to much they many any at all lol. It's almost like do I quit my job to live off government money because I will make more or do I keep going to work and try to get by as best as I can. We only get the health care now. We did once get cash aid and food stamps but we were in need of it at the time we barely made ends meet and my husband was the only one working due to my poor health at the time. But once we got rid of them we felt 100 times better. We keep the medical because my daughter has bad health due to her stomach from birth. But one day we plan to get rid of it as well. As soon as we make more money or our credit goes up.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
Truthfully, I should be on disability, but I did the math and can get more money per month even part time than on disability, plus it was going to get fought in court until hell froze over and my family couldn't afford it. so I just push through my issues and work full time while trying to get my dad in to a surgeon for his hernias (which involves the always great, never shitty veterans administration) If not for my kid and lacking life insurance of any substantial amount I'd let my medical issues end me to help my family out.
· 5 years ago
I just found one online in my country for around 7 USD
· 5 years ago
The halarious thing in the usa is it's cheaper to order what you need online and probably from another country
· 5 years ago
Right, like glasses go from 600$ to 60$
· 5 years ago
You can get them for like $15 if you shop online and don't get all the add-ons