but i don't care how much suit man worked to get his cookies or how many cookies he has their his so im not going to take cookies that belong to him. also i worked for my cookies and im not going to give them to someone else. the foreigner will have to stay in his own country and work hard to better his life there and make his own cookies instead of coming here and taking cookies that belong to others.
· 5 years ago
The only one insinuating that the foreigner wants to take away the worker's cookie is suit-man. And its a very important question where suit-man got his cookies from, and why he's got so many and the worker only has one.
Enough to know that it doesn't really explain or predict things but mainly describes them. And have a look at the time he came up with it: pretty much unleashed capitalism, exactly where we're going back to today, after a few decades of attempting to find fairer ways of wealth distribution. The theory that rich people would not be rich without other people being poor does predict things that actually happen every day.
Huh, I bet you know your Pareto, people from a certain side of the political spectrum are pretty obsessed with him.
There's always a point to political satire. No shit it doesn't "accurately portray a difficult and complex socio-cultural issue." It's meant to provide insight to a point of view some haven't thought about before.
Huh, I bet you know your Pareto, people from a certain side of the political spectrum are pretty obsessed with him.
I'm guessing we have a Marxist on-site