How does it feel to know that people give more of a shit about a rainforest?
People wouldn't shut the fuck up about how we GOTTA save the Amazon but God forbid we throw a bone to Australia huh?
The WWF is collecting funds to help the animals! I've given 5€, I think everything helps.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
Kaylen Ward, also known as the “Naked Philanthropist”, raised $700K for the bush fires in Australia by selling her nudes, besides, the fires have been extensively covered by media
Yeah. I don’t know where they get “no one seems to care..” or “no one is talking about it...” California has massive fires. A MAJOR city and landmark was completely burned to the ground- a world famous destination. Smoke spread as far as the Eastern Coast of the USA- about 3,000 Miles give or take. it wasn’t that no one “cared” or knew- what are you gonna do? Drive over and try and put it out?
And then there is the whole classic “first world problems” routine. California isn’t a “poor” state on the whole. Australia isn’t a “poor country.” So if you give your money or the media and people extensively cover these fires- people are going to say “oh- some middle class folks and wildlife gets burned up and you care about that, but in this part of the world these people who have it worse are suffering worse/the same and you don’t care? You’d rather help people who are suffering but surviving to be comfortable than help people in need survive..?” Or whatever crap. People care. The world is full of problems. Problems in our lives and our backyards always tend to seem like the most important thing to us.
Who hasn’t waited to see a doctor or in an emergency room- in pain and suffering and been upset. “Don’t they know how much pain I’m in?” “Don’t they know my child could die from this if we don’t figure it out and fix it?” Well... yeah. But there is someone who is also suffering just as bad or worse, and the medical staff cares and wants to help everyone- but every human can only do so much and put their attention on so many things at once.
People wouldn't shut the fuck up about how we GOTTA save the Amazon but God forbid we throw a bone to Australia huh?