Uhg. Ok- so this is ignorant on all fronts. Just breathing produces about 500 liters of CO2 if you’re relatively sedentary. That’s over 2.5 billion tons a year. About 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. When you exercise or do vigorous work you can produce about 8x that much. Workin our also usually means eating more- and pooping more. Having kids, being alive... blah blah blah. It all contributes to climate change.
If you’re watching Netflix and you have solar or you use alternate energy.... that number changes quite a bit. But here’s the thing- say you are binging with friends and family? Ok. So let’s say 4-5 people watching one tv all weekend. You’re not moving much, you aren’t driving or whatever else. Every hour is like driving 8 miles supposedly. So if you do 10 hours on a Saturday that’s 80 Miles. Ok. So... if you weren’t watching Netflix what might you do? Drive about that far to the city and back? To an amusement park? Cruise the mountains or a scenic drive? And then whatever you do there also adds to your emissions.
But the other dude... man. If you feel bad it’s because you feel bad. I’m not making you feel bad if I tell you that your phone is made by child slaves- your conscience might be but I just gave you a fact. As for the oil company tycoons- what does what they are doing have anything to do with your choices? “Well they do worse stuff so I can do this!” That Logic is faulty. “I’m not a bad guy for killing people- that guy over there tortured them then kills them.” Ok. Well... I guess you’re ok then? Not quite how that works. You worry about you.
It’s interesting to watch people speak out against these corporations and their pollutions only to be silenced as quickly as possible like they’re all on stage at the golden globes
We meet again