Well, in moderation it tastes awesome and has a minor impact on the health and wellness of a person, but in excess fatty meats have been linked to obesity ...
It pisses off a self-righteous group that lectures against animal cruelty while having an over 80% kill rate at their shelters.
· 5 years ago
Y'know if PETA would focus their resources into making vegan alternative food that tastes the same as their counterparts and is just as affordable, I would have literally zero problem going vegan.
I dunno, sounds better than the "bitch on the internet and kill animals" protocol they've been trying to make stick.
Give me your argument why So many Vegans try to “reproduce” textures and tastes and experiences of non vegan foods. It really comes down to trying to enjoy your food doesn’t it? But wolfing down science experiments made using all sorts of chemicals and resource intensive processes foods isn’t exactly great for your body or the planet. Many vegan deserts are as bad or actually worse for a person than the “real thing.”
Soy and tofu production are major contributors to deforestation and environmental pollution for example- and that is at current levels of consumption. I’m not saying don’t be a vegan or vegetarian. I’m not saying every vegan or vegetarian falls under this umbrella. Some only eat “real” food or are very careful about their impact and or health.
Most people are ignorant with food and nutrition and careless- without thought. That applies to omnivores and vegans and every diet. Whatever you eat you can easily be unhealthy and easily contribute to harm to the planet because the people and their habits stay the same even if the menu changes. So my point is- lay off PETA and militant vegans. Because YOUR conscience told you this is right for you doesn’t mean everyone else’s does. Eating meat is like abortion. We can argue all day about morality and social impact but at the end of the day, it should be up to the individual to make the choice they think is best, and it isn’t someone else’s place to shame them based on their morals.
I dunno, sounds better than the "bitch on the internet and kill animals" protocol they've been trying to make stick.