We know that “standards of beauty” are different all over the world- some being more universal than others- but there is a subset of male beauty that is especially popular in Asian countries which prizes in Japan this is called: “Bishōnen” and in Korea a similar term is kkotminam.
These are men or young men who have “delicate” soft features and usually personalities. Generally the image evokes ideas of a sensitive, educated male who may or may not be somewhat submissive by nature. It is in contrast to the idea of the “rugged man”- a soft, gentle man who many feel has an almost feminine beauty- but the quality sought is less femininity but more youthful boyishness- young boys can often be and are often mistaken for little girls. Usually this look also goes along with being trendy, fashionable, and having high standards of personal care. Such men are less threatening and also tend to lack some qualities attributed to “traditional men” which some- especially certain cultures- find particularly offputting or odd like body odor, body hair, rough skin, and are generally associated with “cleanliness.”
There is certainly a case to be made for racial bias in beauty standards- there’s only one “A” list American Asian male porn star- and “Asian man” is a sexual preference but not nearly as prevalent in most western societies as “Asian woman” or other ethnicities of male. Many stereotypes and stigmas exist about Asian men as partners, and while Asian women often face a stereotype in society and media which sexualizes them and paints them as submissive- Asian men get many of the same baggage but not the sexy parts.
(The roles of Asian women in western media are seldom as leading woman or love interest, and even in primary supporting roles tend to be a technical person/“nerd”, a “temptress/sex worker/“hot girl” etc, or a martial arts master/guru. Asian men largely get relies as martial artists, thugs, gurus, and “nerds.”)
The western standard of beauty for men tends to follow a formula- tall, muscular or broad, squarer jaw and hard features, facial hair is generally a “plus” to “manly beauty”, and other qualities which even in “metro sexual” or “pretty boys” tend to follow a formula which prizes traits that are not as commonly found in Asian men.
If we look at Asian men, outsides roles in comedy or martial arts, who have had what we can call any success as “lead” men or “potential hunks” in Hollywood we see men like Daniel Henney, Sung Kang, and Daniel Dae Kim who come much closer to reflecting the western standard of male beauty.
Tl:dr and in conclusion: there are biases against Asian men and separating where the bias is racial vs where it is based in traits that are common/uncommon more in certain groups is complex. That said- the simple reason is that the guy on the right doesn’t meet mainstream western definitions of masculine beauty- overall his look is “feminine” or “young” by western standards of male attractiveness.
Sorry but guy on the left looks like some of my former drug-addicted classmates at 8am on a Friday... I may be biased but to me the guy on the right gets 100% of my vote.