While I do like having health care, it helps to keep in mind that there's a lot of things not covered by it in Canada, and what IS varies from province to province/territory, as well as age.
Doctors visits: yes. Dental is pretty much never covered. Vision care - sometimes the exams are covered. Other things you're usually on your own.
It's not a one-shot, clear-cut deal here either
Yeah. Dental and vision are separate costs in the US. And although you can get dental and/or vision insurance (separately) they are often pretty terrible and generally not worth the monthly payment (for a family plan, individual plans are hit or miss—in my experience).
Even if something is medical, like my father’s chemo/radiation caused damage to his jaw and teeth but that wasn’t covered under medical insurance because it was dentistry.
But yes @f_kyeahhamburg like I said I certainly LOVE having what we do have. I've noticed a lot of people have misconceptions of exactly how free our healthcare is, though, and so it seemed worth mentioning.
@Roanoke I have no idea why that got downvoted but either way. Tbh I find it's the same a lot here - most health insurance isn't worth what it costs to have it a lot of the time.
And, as the meme goes, "teeth are luxury bones you must pay to have maintained" for some reason lol. Even though they're extremely paramount to your health. Doesn't matter if all dental/vision gets covered, but at least the very basics should you would think
Doctors visits: yes. Dental is pretty much never covered. Vision care - sometimes the exams are covered. Other things you're usually on your own.
It's not a one-shot, clear-cut deal here either
Even if something is medical, like my father’s chemo/radiation caused damage to his jaw and teeth but that wasn’t covered under medical insurance because it was dentistry.
@Roanoke I have no idea why that got downvoted but either way. Tbh I find it's the same a lot here - most health insurance isn't worth what it costs to have it a lot of the time.
And, as the meme goes, "teeth are luxury bones you must pay to have maintained" for some reason lol. Even though they're extremely paramount to your health. Doesn't matter if all dental/vision gets covered, but at least the very basics should you would think