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· 5 years ago
Not necessarily. Gay people could exist without straight people due to surrogacy.
· 5 years ago
Yes, but as a group we'd still produce straight people.
· 5 years ago
Well- any group would produce some ratio of both “gay” and “straight” people. The key here is “rely.” Rely is to depend upon with full trust or confidence. “Gay” people cannot say with confidence that any given “straight” couple will make a “gay” offspring. There are odds the offspring will be “straight.” As a group however- “straight” people will inevitably- by laws of statistics- create at least one “gay” offspring. So it’s a tad dicey and depends on the interpretation. Of course- “gay” and “straight” are themselves troublesome in definition here. Sexuality tends to exist on a spectrum and to find a person exclusively “heterosexual” or otherwise in totality of being or even orientation is problematic in definitions.
· 5 years ago
Ultimately- unless and until (IF orientation were ever shown to be so simply related to such factors) sexual orientation could be directly linked to a genetic or environmental process; and such process identified and reproduced in operation- there is no reliable method to screen or even identify sexuality in humans in a way that we could prove this to be the case. It is true however- that in theory- “gay” people could- through use of science or just downright unpleasant old fashioned cross gender sex for the purpose of procreation- be a sole orientation of society without endangering or ever necessarily harming the continuation of the human race.
· 5 years ago
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again my parents and grandparents (and their siblings) were all gay in the end. There’s been maybe 5 straight people in my entire family