Just don't be poor. It's that simple!
5 years ago by seryji45 · 980 Likes · 5 comments · Popular
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· 5 years ago
Why is kid's education being taken care by parents looked down in the west??
· 5 years ago
It's not so much that as it is the kids bragging about being "self made" afterwards
· 5 years ago
Not sure about others but my parents have high enough salaries that we don't qualify for most offers, but we're not really rich due to paying for 2 siblings at private college and 2 in daycare (finding good daycare is really expensive) and if they took out more loans for my college, it would have been a real mess and I doubt my little siblings would get the childhood I had (from braces, private high school, good food and more than 1 Christmas present...the older siblings didn't get anything for a few years so that they could have enough for the little ones) so even tho I had all these fancy awards, I didn't even bother applying to fancy schools, I just went to the first state school to give me a full ride. Thus I am self made 0^0
· 5 years ago
I think the fact that its almost impossible to get a high quality education without loans or parental help is what's being looked down on. It's more anti-prices than anti-parents help
· 5 years ago
Fuck sake, work a trade or something.