Living your life 1.6km at a time
5 years ago by lightndark · 318 Likes · 7 comments · Trending
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· 5 years ago
Speed is key. The key to death.
· 5 years ago
Speed I am SPEeed
· 5 years ago
I am a precision instrument of speed and aerodynamics-
· 5 years ago
What is fast? Do you mean... too fast? Constant velocity doesn’t kill people. Sudden extreme changes of velocity do- like when a car goes from 160mph to 0 in a fraction of a second when it hits a solid object. Most well designed modern cars can slow down faster than they can speed up- so keeping speed- along with active safety techniques and situational awareness that all drivers should always have- is a measure of safety. In theory- so long as you don’t exceed the speed at which you an control your vehicle and your vehicle is safely rated for- there isn’t a problem. The grisliest autobahn crashes are when a car going 160+kph hits a car going 90kph or some such speed difference.
· 5 years ago
The person going 160+ was obviously beyond their abilities because if they weren’t- they’d have seen and been able to react to the other car- but if the other car had been going 160kph- they could have physically crashed. So speed is a factor but not a cause.
· 5 years ago
Public roads have certain unpredictable things like road damage or debris, broken down vehicles, slow drivers and drivers who really shouldn’t be driving at all or are not following rules and safety practices. So of course, you need some sort of speed limit- the best driver in the world can get in an accident. That said- it’s usually far less grizzly or a spectacle when it happens- but it’s easy enough to die in a very low speed crash even with modern safety equipment reducing the odds.
· 5 years ago
All said we have a system designed so that the most people possible can drive- with rules designed to try and allow even the least skillful or suited to the task- those who don’t take 3,000+ lbs of metal moving at great speeds with the ballistic force of an entire company of assault weapons- seriously. Of course people will die. That’s a given regardless as even pilots did sometimes and that’s generally years of training and a serious thing- but imagine how many pilots would die if it was as easy to get a pilots license as it is to get a drivers license?