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· 5 years ago
Welcome to adulthood.
· 5 years ago
Now pay up
· 5 years ago
If you don’t pay up we’ll put you in place with free food and board
· 5 years ago
That's why I work fulltime while going to school, that way I don't have time for eating, joining groups and making friends
· 5 years ago
As already said- I hate to say but that’s pretty much life. If you live in a developed country- especially a capitalist country- especially America- you literally have to pay to live or else living becomes a crime. You have to pay for the paperwork to prove that you’re you and you need to get a job or a home etc. you have to pay for food and pay for sleep and pay to try and make more money. You have to pay for cars and grooming and transportation and clothing and all the other things that you need to be taken seriously and make money, and pay to have a place to live. If you have a place to live and don’t pay for water or electricity or garbage they’ll take it from you. You can save up enough to buy a home and never pay rent but you’ll pay taxes on that home until you die. If you don’t pay things you’re supposed to pay for- there’s a change for that like back taxes and tickets or citations.
· 5 years ago
And you pay time too. Buy a house so you don’t have to pay- have to pay taxes. Have to buy yard equipment and have to either spend your time keeping up the yard- or pay someone to do it- and if you don’t- you can get a fine from the city and then they’ll fine you and they might do it for you and charge you then fine you on top of the charge. It doesn’t stop. The goal is to make enough money that you can afford to live the life you are happy with- and to try and spend as much time as possible doing things that make you happy. College is one possible path to help make that easier.
· 5 years ago
& somehow every year they just HAVE to raise the cost of tuition for some reason, hahaha
· 5 years ago
Definitely a scam if she talks like she types. Fuck me.