Ever read Absol's urban dictionary definition? I shit you not, it's this:
Absol is a BAMF that first showed up in the 3rd gen of Pokemon. It is often avoided due to the fact that it can sense danger with that blade... thing protruding out of it's head. So it's percieved as a magnet for bad luck. but all it really needs is some love. It doesn't evolve, but why would it need to? It's awesome enough on its own.
Dark and Ghost attacks do 1/2 damage.
Bug and Fighting do 2x.
Psychic does jack shit.
Everything else does whatever damage it's supposed to.
Can be found on Route 13 and in Great Chasm during the post game of Pokemon Black and Pokemon White, and on Route 120 in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Learns Perish Song at Level 65.
Anyway, they are super useful to farm lucky eggs with, learning both thief and false swipe and moves with a 15+ PP count that can also OHKO the Chanseys in US/UM around lvl 45 behind that beast attack stat.
Side note: what the Hell is the plural of Chansey? Chansei? Chanseys? Just Chansey?
Oh, don't use thief on a Chansey, you gotta SOS until a Blissey pops up
Oh, and then there is this gem below that first definition: Absol, a Dark-type Pokemon registered as the 359th Pokemon in the National Pokedex, is well-known for appearing before catastrophes occur, often natural disasters. While these poor creatures can often be blamed for causing the trouble, the truth is that they're capable of sensing subtle changes in the weather with the horns protruding from the right sides of their heads, so they try to warn people, but, being a Pokemon, an Absol can pretty much only say "Absol Absol Absol," making for a truly unfortunate situation if this Pokemon is misunderstood.
Another notable comment that must be made about Absol is the mind-boggling beauty that this species possesses. To understand this, recall two of the most important qualities of the sky, those being the enlivening rush of innocent purity that it can send coursing through one's heart on a perfect summer day, and its power in the night to capture a soul and set it on fire to burn with
the deep & mysterious intensity of innumerable stars suspended in a vast sea of the most wondrous shade of blue. You see, the Disaster Pokemon, Absol, captures this intense majesty in all of its 47 inches & 103.6 pounds of white & dark blue, vaguely feline splendor.
Oh, and the typical lifespan of an Absol is easily 100 years.
It just gets better... entry 3: This Pokémon is the thickest Pokémon ever. It will gladly fuck any human trainer and it can be cross breed with anything.
I had to do it with Kabutops, as that is my favorite pokemon... oh god, I am not disappointed at all:
Pure pleasure. Kabutops is when you are simultaneously playing Pokemon and receiving oral sex from a woman.
The word stems from the phrase getting 'dome' from a girl. In Pokemon, Kabutops is resurrected from the dome fossil. Also getting 'top' can refer to receiving oral sex.
"Yo last night that biddy gave me some Kabutops, I came as my Magikarp evolved: Double orgasm."
Damn. I've never seen someone more passionate about Absol than myself.
I've used its dex number in a few of my usernames in the past, and got a bunch to level 100 (and 2 to the max level, 40 in Pokémon GO), and caught 2 amazing shiny ones.
Shiny Mega Absol is my all time favourite, and I'm disappointed I couldn't ever use it in Galar.
I always preferred to use a Decidueye or Trevenant with substitute for Chansey SOS-ing, and switching in to Absol afterward due to most of its moves having no effect on Ghosts.
That makes sense, and I'd do something similar if I needed to level up any of them (I have a thing about not using my lvl 100s when exp is available), but I don't currently have anything like that to level up. Really, it basically works for any ghost type that can false swipe... I mean... what the fuck is the Chansey really going to do? Am I missing something about the point of the substitute? Are you baton passing it to the Absol?
Side note: I have two shiny Chansey and a shiny Blissey from farming those fuck-clowns (not for the lucky eggs, as I now have like 25ish of them, but for exp)... and I'd give them all up for one shiny Absol or one shiny Scyther with a shitty nature and poopy IVs.
The substitute was just for the SOS-ing, to prevent status conditions (especially for Eevee) and suicide moves (such as Last Resort from Riolu), and I'd only switch into the Absol when I needed to use thief or to catch a shiny.
I've actually never had a shiny Chansey
before, despite chaining them for soooo long.
I have a Happiny though, from a Riolu chain. God, that pissed me off ngl.
It took me about 4 months to get my first shiny Absol. I was hunting using the Masuda method, SOS, Friend Safari and DexNav, on multiple devices. God damn, my heart rate spiked when it finally appeared.
It gave me more adrenaline than any fight I've ever been in.
My second was in Pokémon GO, and I went out in heavy snow to raid for it. 10/10 would prefer bad weather with high odds than hunt for months.
Oh, you mean besides Chansey chains. Okay, that makes total sense. I've never played GO, so idk how shiny stuff works there, but I can imagine it was fucked up. The Blissey was my first shiny ever, and I've played every gen from the start. Apparently Bank will open up so you can switch from 3DS to the switch... which would have been great info a year ago, but right now I think I'm just going to park it at US/UM. The psuedo-legendary dragon and the fossil pokemon look dope AF in SW/SH though, so that sucks.
Pokémon GO has a much higher overall shiny rate. Full odds is around 1/450, but the encounters are harder than in a main series entry.
Some that have a higher chance, such as Absol, are raid exclusive, but locked behind raid passes, which aside from the 1 free one per day, cost coins.
Absol is thought to be 1/50, but it's a 4 star raid, which means you need at least 2 people to defeat it. It's also not in rotation, so it's currently unavailable.
Oh, you can already move from Bank to Home btw, but it takes a subscription of both, which sucks.
I actually was against SW/SH for the longest time due to the Pokémon that were cut from it.
I only bought it once they announced that they'd re-add most of the Pokémon in a future update, when the DLC drops.
During a Home datamine, it was found that Absol had moves added to its learnset, which implies that it'll have a spot in a game sometime soon.
As far as I can tell, you actually can't transfer from Bank to Home without buying a premium subscription, which sucks. When you try to make the transfer with just the basic plan, it won't let you.
Yeah, the moveset of Absol, Lopunny and Meloetta (my favourite Pokémon, and those of my 2 best friends) have all been changed slightly, so the chances of them being in is pretty high. We're all pretty happy about that.
Honestly yeah, it makes no sense, but I'd love to see more regional variants of pre-existing legendaries.
Yeah, they're adding them in a free update alongside the DLC.
I'm getting the DLC anyway though, because Galar is based off my country, and I saw the equivalent to the White Cliffs of Dover in the trailer, which makes me happy AF.
I want to get the DLC bc I want to raise my own urshifu in the isle of armour, but I'm waiting for (hopefully) another trailer to drop so I can get convinced to spend 40 more dollars on a game I havent completed yet
Is it wrong that since I have seen them I've always wanted to take a crap off the white cliffs? I mean, I also tried to fart on St. Helens, so... it's not a cultural thing... I just find the idea to be really funny
Not sure how it relates to this tbh...
Absol is a BAMF that first showed up in the 3rd gen of Pokemon. It is often avoided due to the fact that it can sense danger with that blade... thing protruding out of it's head. So it's percieved as a magnet for bad luck. but all it really needs is some love. It doesn't evolve, but why would it need to? It's awesome enough on its own.
Dark and Ghost attacks do 1/2 damage.
Bug and Fighting do 2x.
Psychic does jack shit.
Everything else does whatever damage it's supposed to.
Can be found on Route 13 and in Great Chasm during the post game of Pokemon Black and Pokemon White, and on Route 120 in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Learns Perish Song at Level 65.
Side note: what the Hell is the plural of Chansey? Chansei? Chanseys? Just Chansey?
Oh, don't use thief on a Chansey, you gotta SOS until a Blissey pops up
Another notable comment that must be made about Absol is the mind-boggling beauty that this species possesses. To understand this, recall two of the most important qualities of the sky, those being the enlivening rush of innocent purity that it can send coursing through one's heart on a perfect summer day, and its power in the night to capture a soul and set it on fire to burn with
Oh, and the typical lifespan of an Absol is easily 100 years.
Pure pleasure. Kabutops is when you are simultaneously playing Pokemon and receiving oral sex from a woman.
The word stems from the phrase getting 'dome' from a girl. In Pokemon, Kabutops is resurrected from the dome fossil. Also getting 'top' can refer to receiving oral sex.
"Yo last night that biddy gave me some Kabutops, I came as my Magikarp evolved: Double orgasm."
I've used its dex number in a few of my usernames in the past, and got a bunch to level 100 (and 2 to the max level, 40 in Pokémon GO), and caught 2 amazing shiny ones.
Shiny Mega Absol is my all time favourite, and I'm disappointed I couldn't ever use it in Galar.
I always preferred to use a Decidueye or Trevenant with substitute for Chansey SOS-ing, and switching in to Absol afterward due to most of its moves having no effect on Ghosts.
I've actually never had a shiny Chansey
before, despite chaining them for soooo long.
I have a Happiny though, from a Riolu chain. God, that pissed me off ngl.
It took me about 4 months to get my first shiny Absol. I was hunting using the Masuda method, SOS, Friend Safari and DexNav, on multiple devices. God damn, my heart rate spiked when it finally appeared.
It gave me more adrenaline than any fight I've ever been in.
My second was in Pokémon GO, and I went out in heavy snow to raid for it. 10/10 would prefer bad weather with high odds than hunt for months.
Some that have a higher chance, such as Absol, are raid exclusive, but locked behind raid passes, which aside from the 1 free one per day, cost coins.
Absol is thought to be 1/50, but it's a 4 star raid, which means you need at least 2 people to defeat it. It's also not in rotation, so it's currently unavailable.
Oh, you can already move from Bank to Home btw, but it takes a subscription of both, which sucks.
I actually was against SW/SH for the longest time due to the Pokémon that were cut from it.
I only bought it once they announced that they'd re-add most of the Pokémon in a future update, when the DLC drops.
During a Home datamine, it was found that Absol had moves added to its learnset, which implies that it'll have a spot in a game sometime soon.
Yeah, the moveset of Absol, Lopunny and Meloetta (my favourite Pokémon, and those of my 2 best friends) have all been changed slightly, so the chances of them being in is pretty high. We're all pretty happy about that.
Honestly yeah, it makes no sense, but I'd love to see more regional variants of pre-existing legendaries.
I'm getting the DLC anyway though, because Galar is based off my country, and I saw the equivalent to the White Cliffs of Dover in the trailer, which makes me happy AF.
That'd convince me to buy not just the game, but the console.