I think we should show that more. A lot of kids find these paintings boring because the art style has changed, they don't know the theme and the codes used (and hey seeing something in school adds 20 boredom points anyways) and as a result they can't connect to these people. When I was in middle school I thought they were dusty and so serious a smile would have been considered an insult in their eyes. But when we show shit (yo pun) like this, like a guy in the cathedral of my town that has a bird shoved up his ass, like another guy heating his junk in front of a fire in the background of a very known painting that is commonly shown and explained *almost* exhaustively, when we say "hey don't you think this baby looks like a grandpa" and explain the style by comparing it with manga, there is the connection, the interest!!
Medieval people were like middle schoolers with no taboo when it came to the body, showing them otherwise is both useless and not completely true to History.
At my middle school, our teacher was like “Look at our nice park full of weird statues of naked people. That’s art history, you are ready for this world.”
Medieval people were like middle schoolers with no taboo when it came to the body, showing them otherwise is both useless and not completely true to History.