Why do guys have to be like this. I know it was my fault but geez
4 years ago by guest · 893 Likes · 10 comments · Popular
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· 4 years ago
Yea, that’s a yikes. I’ve never understood the “i did it to see your reaction” thing. Stop making me angry when I want to like you
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
I don’t understand it. Google and many books are full of information. There are all sorts of valid theories on WHY although few get to a very deep level of WHY men often “tease” and do things to get a reaction from women they like. We do though. I am guilty too- and even KNOWING I sometimes do this... I can’t tell you WHY.
· 4 years ago
There are theories about how it is a subconscious “test” of the persons nature and if they are a “good sport” or not- theories about elevated excitement levels or passion or giving reasons for a man to have further interactions even if those are to “apologize.” One such theory is that it is a form of social debt. Most men aren’t consciously aware of this- but similar techniques exist in sales etc. somewhat like the old social engineering tip that to get a person to like you- you ask them for favors. Many aspects of social behavior are transactional- even if we do t realize it. Often we subconsciously or emotionally “keep score” and it’s a two way street. We can build obligation- that is make most people feel pressured to do certain things- by giving them time or effort “I can’t say no now...” like buying something you don’t want at the register, or people who get price checks and then buy an item they wouldn’t have picked up if the price was on the shelf-
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· 4 years ago
but now the effort of the clerk (the more they have to do to get the item or the price the more obligation most feel) and the effect on the line etc- along with perceptions of strangers blah blah- build obligation.
· 4 years ago
But the opposite can be true too! There are power dynamics in all relationships. With women- it is often (especially classically) important for the generally perceived as, or actually more so- physically imposing male, to put the female at ease by participating in a flow of power. Many social activities between men and women follow this pattern- where things are done in a way to at least give some power to the woman.
· 4 years ago
By that token- when a man does something like this to “get a reaction” he has now created a social debt. The woman was wronged by him. It creates an excuse to lavish affection or attention and places her in a position of power as she must forgive him or not. She has the decision making power. His actions of course assert his power- that he COULD do certain things but also that she is safe from him ACTUALLY doing such things.
· 4 years ago
Blah blah. All theories. Why do we do it? We love or like a woman. Why would we be mean to her? I don’t know. We can be pretty mean with our platonic friends too- in fact the closer a friend the meaner we often are. I don’t really know why. Is it some reaction to the traditional gender roles of men in society- or what that is. But man... it sure is fun.
· 4 years ago
It’s the spice of life that is a bit too spicy for some people. That’s all I have to say about it
· 4 years ago
It's not even a practical joke, it's just being practical. It's not funny when she's alone on a highway a year from now because she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing and not paying attention.
· 4 years ago
We're meaner to our closest friends because we know we can use such a joke as a test. We already know they can handle it, even if the joke takes a few years; sometimes decades, for the payoff. Again, what this dude did wasn't a joke, it was a real teaching moment.