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· 4 years ago
I mean if he gets caught and used as bait, he could then be used to catch some unknown fish or hook onto the fossils of one of our lost common ancestors..
· 4 years ago
This just seems defeatist, fam.
· 4 years ago
I just wanted to have fun here, not get depressed
· 4 years ago
You go, little fish! Don't let the pond define who you are.
· 4 years ago
He might change the world. Perhaps he is a species of fish- never discovered deep in a rainforest that can lead to a cure for cancer, or can digest petroleum or who’s gills are very efficient and can inspire a new design for rebreathers or filters that could lead to new discoveries in space or ocean exploration. New insects and plants are found all the time that have novel properties or lead to synthesizing new compounds- so that isn’t so unbelievable.
· 4 years ago
Or... perhaps that one little fish with enter the feed for a dam or nuclear reactor, a tiny flaw lets them enter the primary cooling system. A combination of tests being ran and maintenance- along with some poor practices and a key design flaw- make it so that when this fish gets lodged in a pressure pipe- it initiates a critically cascade failure. The radiation or flooding causes billions in damage and kills many thousands- long term possibly more. It leads to outrage, sweeping reforms, possibly movements to ban or change the ways we get energy.
· 4 years ago
Or hell- perhaps a world leader goes fishing in that pond- or a small child- and they see that little fish and it inspires them or causes a profound stirring- a curiosity or compassion, a love of nature or an appreciation for life or the struggles of those with less or whatever- and because of that- the destiny of another person is altered forever- and everyone they will touch is changed- outward and carrying forward for generations until one day- the whole world has been affected and changed.
· 4 years ago
All you have to do to change the world is inspire someone else who inspires someone else who... so on. Help someone else who helps... you get it. Be the change you want to see in the world. We can’t really complain about others if we just do the same things or worse as them right? And we can’t expect others to make the world the world we want if we can’t be bothered to can we? We can’t control where change ends- but we can start changes within ourselves and how we do things- and that CAN lead to change. You know what more sad than taking the Chan e that small good you do MIGHT change the world? Nor even being willing to bother to try because you already are too insignificant or impotent to matter.