Pre-children me had to see a gynae. He was having a bit of a winge about all the children in his waiting room. I said - you know most women are going to have kids. He said he hadn't taken that into consideration when choosing his speciality.
Considering vagina's are kind of an important part of the body, as well as Gynecologists not only protecting the health of the the reproductive organs but also hormonal imbalance, checking for cancer, STD's and possible birth defects that could occur I'd say they're rather useful.
@itsamemaria Anything a gynecologist does in terms of touching you, you can do yourself. If you're interested, a good informational book is called The Whole Woman. It explains how much of a medical scam gynecologists are.
Mmmm how old are ? If you ever had a pap smear it is not just touching! They run tests from tissue. It is not touching! If that's you experience omg I'm sorry but that was then an unethical gynecologist.