What you have are bullets, and the hope that when your guns are empty, I no longer have all 9 of my lives. Because if I DO.. You'll be sushi before you have a chance to reload
They had to deduct one for each world war
[Aight, idk if those jokes actually are bothersome to the German people on the site.
What's the real reason?]
I googled it and basically 7 = holy number in this area, 9 = holy number in that area. :D
Also I really don't mind the WW jokes, and that was a nice one, gotta admit.
I was under the impression 7 was holy over here too. Now I wonder what in heck made 9 holy lol
And that's good. Tbh I figured most people didn't mind. I was less concerned about offending anyone, and more concerned of people feeling like "yeah, yeah, Germans, world wars, like I haven't heard that 10 billion times" haha
[Aight, idk if those jokes actually are bothersome to the German people on the site.
What's the real reason?]
Also I really don't mind the WW jokes, and that was a nice one, gotta admit.
And that's good. Tbh I figured most people didn't mind. I was less concerned about offending anyone, and more concerned of people feeling like "yeah, yeah, Germans, world wars, like I haven't heard that 10 billion times" haha