You want to hear the worlds most fucked up shit ever??
I went to a dentist due to tooth pain and I mean the kind where you are curled in a ball thinking if I die right now it be better than this.
The FUCKING DENTIST said it had nothing to do with my teeth go to a doctor!?!?!?!?!
I go to a doctor and HE THE BEST DOCTOR EVER said I have a tooth that is rotten on the inside that was held together by 3 screws apparently the screws rusted and rotted my tooth and was killing my gum line.
So long story short I went to a different dentist and was put under and they had to remove not only that tooth but 2 teeth behind it and 1 in front of it. I have no teeth on my left bottom jaw line and they had to remove a bit of my jaw line that rotted.
Dentist can go fuck them selfs honestly.
· 4 years ago
Yeah, for whatever reason I've encountered many bad dentists. Resulting in botched treatments and unfavorable results
When I was 12 I had a dentist ACTUALLY SAY TO ME Wow your teeth just bought me a down payment on a new car.
I told my Dad what he said when I came out and my dad did everything he could not to punch the dentist square in the jaw.
Not anymore it happened when she was 12 years old (presumably). If it had happened recently between 1 to 4 years, depending on the state (if located in the US) you could sue for medical malpractice.
My dad was a state fire marshal at the time he ended up using his “connections” to bombard the dentist with many surprise health and safety inspections lol he already while he was in the wait room saw enough for concern but it was a dentist through his health insurance.
The dentist did end up closing the practice this was also the dentist that let not just me but other kids (NOT KIDDING) CHEW PARTS OF THEIR OWN TONGUE OFF!!!
I am missing each side of the front part of my tongue. It’s why I prefer texture over flavor.
I've never heard of a worse dentist tbh and I'm really glad to hear that he stopped his practice but tbh I feel like he should also get some jail time for the chewing tongue thing and all these fuck ups...
I've spent way too much money at the dentist for such little work but I'd rather see a dentist then a doctor. I've had more intelligent reasoning and actual care then I have from my doctor. It's either take a blood test or see if it goes away. My dentist always has a solution. Same for my massage therapist and chriopractor. They all get treated like actual doctors by me.
· 4 years ago
I haven't been to the dentist in over five years and at this point I'm afraid to go even if I could afford it.
I went ten years. No cavities but my gums will never recover. Call a dentist, find out the price, and scrounge up the money. I promise it’s worth it. When things go bad in your mouth it’s for life.
There are two decisions I wish I could take back in my life. One was to ever smoke a cigarette and the other was to avoid going to the dentist for more than six months. Go and just get them to tell you the situation so you can make decisions.
Huh. I guess I was an odd ball then. Well, yout call, bud but I recommend going as soon as possible. The longer you wait the bigger the bill and the worse the pain.
I went to a dentist due to tooth pain and I mean the kind where you are curled in a ball thinking if I die right now it be better than this.
The FUCKING DENTIST said it had nothing to do with my teeth go to a doctor!?!?!?!?!
I go to a doctor and HE THE BEST DOCTOR EVER said I have a tooth that is rotten on the inside that was held together by 3 screws apparently the screws rusted and rotted my tooth and was killing my gum line.
So long story short I went to a different dentist and was put under and they had to remove not only that tooth but 2 teeth behind it and 1 in front of it. I have no teeth on my left bottom jaw line and they had to remove a bit of my jaw line that rotted.
Dentist can go fuck them selfs honestly.
I told my Dad what he said when I came out and my dad did everything he could not to punch the dentist square in the jaw.
The dentist did end up closing the practice this was also the dentist that let not just me but other kids (NOT KIDDING) CHEW PARTS OF THEIR OWN TONGUE OFF!!!
I am missing each side of the front part of my tongue. It’s why I prefer texture over flavor.