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· 3 years ago
Shapiro has always been at peak derangement and I hope that if his god is real it fucking smites the little asshole
· 3 years ago
His sister tho
· 3 years ago
I mean, you just wished death on the guy you're calling deranged. Bit ironic but alright.
· 3 years ago
I feel like that's slapping your waiter for the fact that your car didn't start but okay.
· 3 years ago
Shapiro is a doorknob. And for someone who's slogan is, "Feelings aren't facts", he sure likes to say things he feels is right rather than facts
· 3 years ago
Yeah. I don’t particularly like him, but when he became a sort of “alt right light” darling and general conservative leaning persons “voice of unbiased truth” I had to laugh and also hold my head a little. He makes some good points now and then, and sometimes has at least something with thinking about. But when someone tells me that he’s unbiased or argues from fact based logic- that generally tells me that persons thinking is extreme or distorted to consider this man anything but a walking editorial.
· 3 years ago
The credit I CAN give him, is that he tends to do more research and rely less on manipulation of emotions than many like mouth pieces (left or right)- but it’s sad that managing to meet the bare minimum expectations we should have for public speakers on information makes a person be seen as anything but basically qualified.
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· 3 years ago
Well, his "debate skills" are mainly being able to talk faster than his opponent and memorizing a buttload of logical fallacies that sound good when you dont have time to think about them.
· 3 years ago
I’d say so more or less. I mean, as a “positive” that I can say, he sometimes has witty or at least quotable sarcastic quips which got better to entertainment than debate- but his ability to attack opponents in a way many find humorous is often mistaken for effective argument as opposed to simply a zinger an opponent isn’t prepared or capable of deflecting.
· 3 years ago
But yes. He is full of logical fallacy- his oft quoted or memed response to the question of what makes it so the boy scouts need to be boys- “it’s in the name...” is one example of such a quasi “witticism” that many see as unimpeachable proof or as a mark of his steady logic- but...
· 3 years ago
The clothing “dungarees” rarely have dungaree in them at all- and would better be called “dungaree cut <insert material>.” “Koala Bears” aren’t bears, a “life sentence” in most countries is not imprisonment for a persons entire life - I mean... I could go on for many posts as I’m sure most others could add a very long list of things or organizations who’s name is not really accurate in describing the thing we are talking about beyond being the known identifier.
· 3 years ago
Ben Shapiro is like an angrier, more conservative Neil deGrasse Tyson. He isn’t a moron. He CAN be right about aspects of a thing or even a general subject- but both try to sell politics and agendas and personal bias as clinical and indisputable fact. Both rely more on cult of personality and others perceptions of them being “smart” to make unqualified statements on things outside their area of expertise. Both appeal because they believe they have an answer for almost everything, or at least can tell you what answers are wrong even if they don’t have a “right” answer.