I like how when a republican does something “admittedly stupid” the message is still that the Democrats are stupid.
Guys, I’m not trying to be insulting, but get out of your echo chamber and listen to other viewpoints from real people that you know and not the internet or media.
Democrats are not denying that Trump has a large number of black, latinx and even female supporters. It’s confusing, but that doesn’t make it less true.
And, yes, the tweet was real. Controversy/scandal ensues.
Mate I'm not taking any sides, and I'm not in an echo chamber. I asked a legitimate question on if anyone has verified if this is legitimate or if the guy was trolling people.
@interesting I’m sorry you felt insulted by my comment, but please also note that of the 5 comments yours was only one (and also the only neutral comment). So I didn’t mean to suggest that your question was on one side or the other.
The question, ‘are we sure it is real’ is a very important one and one we all need to ask more often. I was really glad you asked.
I also know that our internet personas are not as dimensional as we are in real life. And I find that having open conversations with people I know and share meals with that say and believe things like those stated here, is a valuable experience for someone who believes something very different. (For everyone)
It is important to ask if he really tweeted that. Just as it is important to ask if those that oppose Trump really believe that he has no black, latinx or female supporters.
For the record - I regularly have to ask people which side which person belongs to because that's how little I care about "Republican vs Democrat."
Doesn't mean a damn thing to me, and both sides have equally stupid (and equally smart) people on them
Idc who you vote for, if you start denying the existence of people based on who they vote for, you're an idiot. They're people, not freaking Santa clause
Guys, I’m not trying to be insulting, but get out of your echo chamber and listen to other viewpoints from real people that you know and not the internet or media.
Democrats are not denying that Trump has a large number of black, latinx and even female supporters. It’s confusing, but that doesn’t make it less true.
And, yes, the tweet was real. Controversy/scandal ensues.
The question, ‘are we sure it is real’ is a very important one and one we all need to ask more often. I was really glad you asked.
I also know that our internet personas are not as dimensional as we are in real life. And I find that having open conversations with people I know and share meals with that say and believe things like those stated here, is a valuable experience for someone who believes something very different. (For everyone)
It is important to ask if he really tweeted that. Just as it is important to ask if those that oppose Trump really believe that he has no black, latinx or female supporters.
Doesn't mean a damn thing to me, and both sides have equally stupid (and equally smart) people on them
Idc who you vote for, if you start denying the existence of people based on who they vote for, you're an idiot. They're people, not freaking Santa clause